Many parents do not understand the reasons for the restless behavior of children who, for no apparent reason, throw tantrums, are afraid of the dark, do not want to be alone in the room. The wrong thing is done by those adults who yell at the child and punish him. After all, an insidious neurosis can be the cause of violent behavior or obsessive fears.

- - consultation with a psychotherapist;
- - birch leaves;
- - dill seed;
- - valerian root.
Step 1
If the child often cries, he is overcome by any fears - contact a pediatric neurologist. Neurosis is a serious disease of the central nervous system and requires timely and competent treatment. The appearance of this disease in children is due to chronic or acute nervous overstrain. Anything can act as an irritant for the manifestation of symptoms of the disease: a loud cry or, conversely, complete silence, darkness or too bright light, a sharp knock on the door, etc. Neurosis can be accompanied by stuttering, enuresis, neurasthenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, etc.
Step 2
Keep in mind that the main treatment for childhood neurosis is psychotherapeutic sessions combined with medication. But in addition, it should be borne in mind that psychological assistance is at the heart of the treatment of neuroses in children. Help your child find a way out of the state of constant nervous tension.
Step 3
See an experienced psychologist. In modern medicine, there are enough means for working out neurosis-like states: this is sand therapy, when you can build various worlds from sand, and art therapy, where, doing a business that he likes (modeling, drawing, design), the child can get away from obsessive thoughts and emerging fears.
Step 4
Try to apply dance therapy as a method of treating neurosis in a child. In the dance, it will be easier for him to open up and release his pain. Body-Oriented Therapy goes from the opposite: “Are you feeling bad and wanting to jerk your head? Please! Do you want to wave your arms and legs, while screaming out of resentment at someone? As much as you like. Free yourself! Naturally, such therapy should be carried out under the supervision of an experienced psychotherapist.
Step 5
Use traditional medicine recipes to treat childhood neuroses. Give the child the opportunity to walk barefoot on the ground more often - this hardens the central nervous system and helps relieve nervous stress.
Step 6
Prepare an infusion of young birch leaves. Take 100 g of chopped leaves, pour 400 ml of boiling water over them. Insist for an hour, then strain and squeeze. With manifestations of neurosis, give the child a third of a glass three times a day 20 minutes before meals.
Step 7
If your baby has difficulty falling asleep, prepare a tincture of dill seeds. Take 500 ml of boiling water for one tablespoon of raw materials. Then strain through a strainer, give the child a third of the glass three times a day after meals.
Step 8
Take a tablespoon of valerian root, grind it into powder, pour 2.5 cups of cold boiled water, leave for 10 hours, strain. Give your child two teaspoons 3 times a day before meals.