Allergies are one of the most common diseases in young children. In babies, it is manifested by atopic dermatitis - specific skin rashes, itching and dryness. The main reasons for the development of allergies in a child are hereditary predisposition, as well as early and intense contact with the allergen.

Step 1
The main thing in the treatment of dermatitis is a hypoallergenic diet. The most common allergens causing the development of the disease are proteins in cow's milk and soy. Eliminate them from the baby's diet by choosing a complete replacement. For example, goat milk and products based on it. They help to solve the problem of feeding a child, give a good prophylactic and therapeutic effect. Introducing complementary foods into the diet, control the tolerance of each new product. This will help you identify allergens and try to avoid them.
Step 2
Allergy medications include antihistamines for children, which also have antipruritic effects. Remember that you need to give them to your baby on the recommendation of a doctor. He will also prescribe physiotherapy procedures, ointments, creams or topical solutions designed to care for dry, allergenic baby skin. They will have to be applied two to four times a day. If the child has only slight redness, you can use drugs that include allantoin, dexpanthenol, which have a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory effect.
Step 3
When bathing your baby, add a few drops of hypoallergenic oil or baby milk to the bath. It will moisturize and soften dry skin. Do not use soap and potassium permanganate, as they dry it out even more. For allergic rashes, milk-oil baths, baths with starch, bran are effective.
Step 4
Try to maintain a certain microclimate in your home. The temperature in the children's room should be 20-22 degrees, the air humidity should be at least 40-50%. Buy a humidifier, ventilate the child's room at least three times a day, and do wet cleaning every day. When washing baby clothes, use baby soap and wash them separately from adults. If possible, get rid of the accumulators of dust in the apartment - carpets, heavy curtains, bedspreads and soft toys. Do not forget that pets can also be provocateurs of allergies.
Step 5
Do not expect the allergy to go away on its own - contact a specialist. From atopic dermatitis, the disease can turn into a more severe form - respiratory allergy (rhinitis), and then into bronchial asthma. If necessary, your doctor may recommend allergen specific immunotherapy (ASIT). This method resembles an inoculation: an allergen is introduced into the body in micro doses in order to develop a child's resistance to its action. This treatment is quite long (from 3 to 5 years), and it is prescribed for children not younger than five years of age.