Baby Food "Nestogen": Reviews And Preparation Method

Baby Food "Nestogen": Reviews And Preparation Method
Baby Food "Nestogen": Reviews And Preparation Method

Nestogen is a popular product among mothers of artificial children. The dry mix under this brand name is produced by Nestle, one of the leading manufacturers of baby food. "Nestogen" - fermented milk mixture. This means that it contains less lactose and a high content of lactic acid bacteria.

Baby food. Fermented milk mixture Nestogen
Baby food. Fermented milk mixture Nestogen

The benefits of fermented milk products have been known for a long time. But it is forbidden for children under 8 months to give kefir, fermented baked milk or yogurt - it is difficult for babies to digest elements that contain "adult products".

At the same time, in infants, the work of the digestive system is getting better, and lactic acid bacteria are a great help to this.

Babies who are breastfed get the nutrients they need from breast milk. Artificial children can get the necessary microorganisms only from an adapted fermented milk mixture.

Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which contain fermented milk mixture "Nestogen"

help the body absorb iron, zinc and calcium - such a fermented milk mixture is recommended for children with anemia

improve the digestion process - there is less regurgitation, the stool is normalized

help maintain a healthy intestinal microflora - natural immunity is formed.

Nestogen fermented milk formula contains less lactose than conventional formula. Also, lactic acid bacteria, which are part of it, break down this enzyme. This food is suitable for children with allergies.

Baby food "Nestogen" (Nestogen): what are the mixtures

Nestle produces two types of Nestogen fermented milk mixtures:

"Nestogen" from birth to one year (product line "1" - from birth to 6 months; "2" from 6 months to 1 year; "3" - from 1 year)

“Nestogen. Happy dreams (from 6 months).

The main difference between Nestogen products is the content of rice flour in the Nestogen mix. Happy dreams."

It is not recommended to give it to children from birth for two reasons:

1. The mixture with rice flour can be given to the baby only after the corresponding product (rice) has already been introduced with complementary foods;

2. “Nestogen. Happy Dreams”is thick enough due to the content of rice flour in it - it will be difficult for a baby to suck it out of a bottle.

If you decide to add Nestogen. Happy Dreams to your baby's diet, buy a bottle with holes larger than the one you are feeding. The rice flour in this mixture thickens the finished meal.

Both mixtures of the Nestogen line contain lactic acid bacteria. Rice flour from Nestogen. Happy dreams”, gives the child a feeling of satiety for a long time. The baby will sleep longer at night.

Nutrition "Nestogen" (Nestogen). Mode of application

The lactic acid bacteria contained in the "Nestogen" mixture are useful for the baby's body and needs it. But with too frequent use, crumbs can harm the body - increase the acidity of the stomach.

Therefore, you need to offer your child a fermented milk mixture no more than twice a day. You can substitute one or two feeds for your baby with Nestogen. For example, giving it to your baby at lunchtime and before bedtime.

In addition, the mother needs to remember that the child's body must learn to produce bifidobacteria and lactobacilli on its own.

Also important:

- observe the proportions and dosage when preparing the Nestogen mixture (indicated on the package) according to the child's age

- prepare the mixture before feeding

- do not mix the Nestogen fermented milk mixture with the usual mixture

- remember that the volume of the fermented milk mixture should not exceed 1/3 of the daily volume of food

Nutrition with the Nestogen mixture. Mom reviews

The first mixtures of the Nestogen brand went on sale in 1930. Of course, Nestlé laboratories have refined the formula of this product since then. One thing remained the same - taking care of the health of babies.

This is probably why babies and mothers like Nestogen fermented milk mixtures. Most young mothers note that the baby's stool is getting better, regurgitation decreases, and the baby's sleep becomes calm and longer.


The ideal food for a baby under 1 year old is breast milk. When choosing a mixture, you must consult a pediatrician.
