It is not so easy to independently compose a complete diet for your cat; on top of that, it is quite costly in terms of time and money. Therefore, many cat owners prefer to feed their pets with ready-made dry food. How do they feel about Perfect Fit?

Even a couple of decades ago, many owners believed that it is possible to feed a cat or a cat the same thing that they eat themselves. Nowadays, most owners know that if a cat is naturally fed, then its diet should be carefully balanced. This is not just a whim - if the cat does not receive all the vitamins and minerals necessary for its body with food, then it starts to get sick and may even die. The problem of feeding the animal can be solved by using ready-made dry food, for example, Perfect Fit.
Negative reviews about Perfect Fit feed
Some cat owners disapprove of Perfect Fit food, saying that it was these foods that caused their pets to have allergic rashes and indigestion. In fact, they hardly have a veterinarian's conclusion, which clearly states that the reason for the animal's discomfort was the use of a Perfect Fit product for feeding it. Unfortunately, any feed may not be suitable for a certain percentage of animals, which is why the type of feed for constant use is selected "by trial and error."
Many negative reviews about Perfect Fit feeds are due to their expensive price. In fact, the products of this brand are somewhat more expensive than cheaper varieties of cat food, but the composition of "Perfect Fit" has significant differences from the composition of budget counterparts. Among the components of this food, a fairly large proportion is taken by natural lean meat, which is ideal for feeding cats and cats.
Good reviews for Perfect Fit
The overwhelming majority of cat owners who use Perfect Fit products to feed their pets note the appetite with which the animal absorbs this food. They do not disregard the excellent physical shape of their cats, and what a thick and shiny coat they have, and the vigor and mobility of their pets. All this means that Perfect Fit contains everything you need to keep your cat in perfect condition.
It is important that in comparison with premium-class feeds "Perfect Fit" is much more affordable. In addition, this food can be purchased at most supermarkets, which is very convenient for cat owners who do not need to go to the pet store specifically.
Thus, Perfect Fit for cats is a quality product that combines high quality and reasonable cost.