Adapted Mixtures "Similak": Reviews And Product Composition

Adapted Mixtures "Similak": Reviews And Product Composition
Adapted Mixtures "Similak": Reviews And Product Composition

In the market for adapted milk formulas for artificial feeding of children, the choice is truly huge today. The Spanish brand "Similac" has been producing infant formulas for over 20 years, which are very popular in many countries. However, the composition of these products cannot be said unequivocally, just as the reviews about their use are ambiguous.


Composition of mixtures "Similak"

The main "feature" of the composition of adapted milk mixtures "Similak" is the lack of palm oil. The manufacturer himself claims that this ingredient negatively affects the mineralization of children's bones. Also, in the composition of baby food there is no rapeseed oil, which, according to the Similak company, is again harmful for babies. Therefore, in its production, the Spanish brand uses only coconut, sunflower and soybean oils.

At the same time, in the absolute majority of mixtures of domestic and foreign production, palm and rapeseed oils are present as sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is also interesting that both palm and rapeseed oils are officially approved for use in production by all well-known nutrition institutes. However, the Similak brand itself is actively promoting the harmfulness of palm oil.

Reviews of the products "Similak"

If you study the reviews available on the Internet today about the use of adapted mixtures "Similak", you can find 50 percent of negative stories and the same number of positive or neutral ones. Mothers of infants sometimes testify to the unpleasant consequences of feeding with these products: constipation or diarrhea, frequent regurgitation, allergic reactions, constant hunger, colic, restless sleep, etc.

At the same time, the second half of the parents report the excellent quality of the mixture and the absence of any negative reaction to it from the children's digestive system. It is noteworthy that the most observant parents noticed that negative consequences usually occurred after using the adapted Russian-made Similak mixture. Experienced mothers and fathers usually advise giving children only a mixture produced in Spain - for some reason, its quality is much higher than that produced in Russia.

There are still objective disadvantages of the Similak mixtures. There are two of them:

1. Ready mixes foam very strongly during stirring. However, this disadvantage is also very conditional, because it cannot significantly interfere with the feeding process.

2. Stirring also produces hard-to-dissolve lumps. This is especially true of the mixture "Similak" No. 1, intended for feeding children from 0 to 6 months.

Of the indisputable advantages of Similak products, their relatively low cost is usually called.
