The more pronounced the sexual desire, the more difficult it is for a woman to control herself. Irregular sex or lack of it can lead to the following sad consequences.

Why abstinence is dangerous for a woman
- inflammation of the appendages and fallopian tubes;
- mastopathy;
- severe forms of PMS;
- profuse menstruation or, conversely, dysmenorrhea;
- the formation of uterine fibroids or other malignant neoplasms;
- mental health disorders: depression, neuroses, self-doubt, inability to get an orgasm even from stimulation;
- early onset of menopause;
- the appearance of pulling pain in the ovaries;
- inflammatory processes of the genitals, as the pH of the vagina changes;
- decreased immunity;
- rapid weight gain.
In fact, there are a lot of problems in women's health, they just are not always noticeable right away. Most often they appear after years, plus psychological rejection of sex, vaginal dryness, pain are added to this. A woman gets used to living without sex and her hormones of pleasure from it cease to be produced. She tries to compensate for the lack of sexual pleasure with food, as a result, she gets fat and completely waves her hand at herself.
In addition, hormonal levels may change, problems with increased growth of male-type body hair may begin, disorders in the functioning of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands may appear.
Sex is even necessary just as a release. If a woman is not looking for him and tolerates, then there is a reason. Problems are not immediately visible, but they are. If men can replace ordinary sex with watching porn or erotic fantasies, accompanied by masturbation, then a woman does not receive such a release. In this regard, it is much more difficult for her than for a man, since in fact women are more notorious, and only a small part of them go to self-satisfaction in order to relieve tension and improve their condition.
Lack of sex can affect performance, there is aggressiveness and resentment, vulnerability. Men say that a “hungry look” gives a dissatisfied woman, and they are, in fact, right.
Neurosis is the mildest disease that both sexes can suffer. In fact, there are many more problems. And only competent treatment and great love are able to heal exhausted and lonely men and women.