Constipation is stool retention that occurs with intestinal obstruction. In this condition, the child develops abdominal pain, headaches, lethargy, after a while vomiting with an admixture of bile may appear. Constipation occurs in many children and parents should know how to deal with them.

Step 1
The causes of constipation for children can be: congenital malformations or narrowing of one of the intestinal parts, in violation of the peristaltic motor function of the colon, disorders in the central nervous system, as a result of which there may be no sufficient urge to empty the intestines. A sedentary lifestyle or bed rest during illness, a monotonous diet, poor in fiber can also provoke constipation. Fear of defecation due to painful sensations with cracks in the anus, or deliberate suppression of the urge to defecate so as not to interrupt an interesting game or watching a cartoon are also among the causes of problems with stool.
Step 2
Be sure to seek help from your doctor. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe treatment, a special diet, and possibly recommend cleansing enemas. Without consulting a doctor, do not practice the uncontrolled use of laxatives, this can disrupt water-salt metabolism.
Step 3
Observe the correct diet. Include fiber-containing foods in your child's daily diet: berries, fruits, vegetables, raisins, dried apricots and prunes. Let your baby drink fresh carrot juice, warm rosehip infusion, and peppermint tea. Eliminate foods that weaken peristalsis. This is strong tea, flour dishes, fresh white bread. Explain to your baby to chew food thoroughly.
Step 4
Teach your child to have a bowel movement at a specific time, preferably in the morning after sleep. Thus, the baby will develop a conditioned reflex.
Step 5
Let the child lead a more active lifestyle: do exercises together, write him down to the sports section or to the pool. Massaging the abdomen will help relieve the condition of the baby. In the supine position with your right hand in a clockwise direction, perform light circular movements up to 10 times.