You can find many children who constantly want to take away a toy from other children, although they do not need it at all. For such children, the very fact is important - to take away a toy from another child. Most often, such children do not understand the persuasions of their parents that this should not be done, and then they begin to cry and get angry at adults who are forbidden to take toys from other children. What to do in this situation?

For a start, you don't need to play on those grounds where other kids play, but this is not an option. It will not be difficult for you if you walk with your child together for a couple of weeks.
At the same time, try to keep track of what is going on in your home in terms of "greed" and "division." Are there things in your home that your child is not allowed to take? Does the child have such things that should not be taken by other family members without his consent?
Also pay attention to how the adults in your family feel about equality and mutual respect. If adults very often prohibit something to a child, he may also prohibit something to his peers in order to compensate for what his parents do not give him. Or vice versa, if your child can touch and take absolutely everything, he can continue to do this outside the walls of the house.
More often than not, parents give the child everything that he requires when he is the only little one in the family. Also, a child will not understand the equality of division if always adults first give him everything, but only the remnants they keep for themselves. In such a situation, it will be very difficult for a child to adapt, since at home there is one policy, and on the street, adults want something completely different from him.