10 Reasons Why You Need To Have A Second Child

10 Reasons Why You Need To Have A Second Child
10 Reasons Why You Need To Have A Second Child

In the days of our parents' youth, the question of having a second child was almost never discussed. For everyone, two or more children were the norm. However, now many are wondering whether it is worth giving birth to a second child, whether it will not be a burden.

10 reasons why you need to have a second child
10 reasons why you need to have a second child

Among the reasons why parents very often do not want a second child, three main ones can be distinguished: difficult first birth and fear of subsequent birth, housing issues, material support for the family. All other reasons follow from these three.

But there are 10 reasons why giving birth to a second child is not only possible, but even necessary.

1. The most commonplace reason is the demographic situation in the country. In Russia, mortality rates are still higher than birth rates, and several times. It is the civic duty of every person to reproduce a new generation.

2. According to research, after childbirth, a woman's body rejuvenates, all vital organs are restarted. Of course, this is in the case of a favorable birth. But in most cases, the second birth is considered the easiest.

3. From a psychological point of view, the birth of a second baby has a beneficial effect on the family itself. She becomes more united, the status of “mom” and “dad” is strengthened. That is, the first child gave this status, and the second has already secured it.

4. As a rule, the parents give birth to the first child for themselves, and the second for the first-born. Everyone knows that if a child is alone in a family, then he grows up to be an egoist. More often than not, this is the case. The birth of a brother or sister has a very positive effect on the first child.

5. The second child is much easier to deal with. You have already gone through this experience and know how to bathe, care for, feed, how to put to bed, how to walk properly. The older child will be happy to help, it is very interesting for him to watch the newborn.

6. The baby does not have a feeling of complete loneliness. The presence of a loved one adds confidence, if there are more such people, then there is more confidence.

7. A very rewarding experience. This is, first of all, a very useful experience for children, since various conflicts can arise between them, during which they will learn to negotiate, make peace, and find compromises. These qualities are very helpful in adulthood.

8. In some cases, the second child rescues the father. Having a second child can in some way save the dad from some of the nuances. For example, if the family has two or more children, then the father cannot be taken into the army, sent to war, transferred to another city for service, not fired from his job, and so on.

9. Expectation of support from both sides. Over time, the moment will come when parents will need the help of their children. Then it is more pleasant and more likely to receive support and help from two children than from one.

10. Children are proof of love. The birth of a second child underlines once again sincere feelings for each other. Let this reason become the main reason for deciding whether to have a second child. Any doubts will be dispelled as soon as a new person is born.
