After the birth of their second child, parents apply for a state certificate for maternity capital, the amount of which is indexed every year.

How to get a state certificate for maternity capital
You can apply for a certificate at any time before the youngest child reaches three years of age.
After the birth of your second child, the first thing you receive is a certificate of birth in a maternity hospital. With this certificate and with the parents' passports, you go to the registry office, where you receive a child's birth certificate. Your next step will be to register your child at the place of residence. Now you can apply for a certificate from the Pension Fund. Check in advance the time of appointment and the need to make an appointment for submission of documents. The Pension Fund specialist will ask you for the following documents: mother's passport, birth certificates of both children, SNILS plastic card.
For each region, the package of documents for obtaining a state certificate may vary.
In your office, you will write an application and receive a receipt that the specialist of the fund has received your documents. In addition, you will sign an informational agreement stating that you will be criminally liable for cashing out maternity capital funds. Two weeks later, by registered mail, you will receive a notification of the date of receipt of the state certificate for maternity capital. At the appointed time, you will receive this document by presenting your passport.
How much money will be paid for the birth of a second child
In 2014, the amount of maternity capital is 429,408 rubles. This amount will increase every year, taking into account inflation. In the year that you want to use capital funds, you will receive an indexed amount of funds. On average, the amount increases by 20-30 thousand rubles per year. So, if your second baby was born in 2013, you can use the certificate no earlier than 2016, and its amount will be approximately 480,000 rubles.
How to spend money on maternity capital
The first and most popular way to use maternity capital funds is to improve housing conditions. A recent innovation allows you to use the certificate before the child turns three to pay off an existing mortgage loan. In other cases, with the entry into force of the certificate, you can purchase a room, apartment, house or part of real estate, provided that the whole family is registered in it. The possibility of expanding the living space is also not excluded: replacing a one-room apartment with a two-room one, a two-room one with a three-room one. If the mortgage loan is concluded after the birth of the second child, then with the help of maternity capital, you can pay off part or all of the loan amount upon reaching the child of three years.
The second way: paying for the education of children at the university. This right can be exercised by the eldest child in the family.
The third way: the formation of the mother's future pension. Maternity capital funds can be transferred to a retirement account for future pension calculation.