Oral sex is kissing and caressing the tongue of each other's intimate areas. The presence of oral sex in sexual activity presupposes the highest degree of trust between sexual partners. For men, the ability of women to satisfy their needs for oral sex is almost aerobatics in sex. Before embarking on experiments, it is important to understand the reasons for men's love for such pleasure.

According to surveys of men's magazines, more than 80% of lovers of caresses below the navel are men with an open head of the penis. This is explained by the increased sensitivity of the delicate skin in the head area. In addition, the temperature and humidity in the oral cavity are always at the right level, and from below the woman may not have time to get excited. Vaginal dryness is not pleasant to both women (because when the penis moves, it causes unpleasant friction) and men. For the latter, this is tantamount to inserting their organ into a paper bag.
One of the reasons for the love of oral sex by men is called female activity during a blowjob. Indeed, in classic sex, in their opinion, the lion's share of the activity falls on the shoulders of the man. And then a woman takes the initiative into her own hands and does things that can lift a man to the top of bliss without any progress on his part.
Men consider their sexual organ to be the main musical instrument in the performance of sexual symphonies, and a woman's ability to play it can bring the entire orchestra to a high level. Oral sex for a strong half of humanity is the same as the recognition by a woman of the world domination of men.
A woman who knows how to deliver sexual pleasure in an oral way shows that she completely trusts a man and does not disdain anything. Such a woman wants to be respected, carried in her arms and given reciprocal pleasure in huge quantities.
What to do if a woman is shy about oral sex? First of all, don't force yourself. It happens that the high threshold of the gag reflex does not allow women to inject something deep into the mouth, where the tongue ends. Physiological discharge from the male member when excited can also cause unpleasant taste sensations.
However, there is a way out - this is constant training and the use of flavoring mixtures. You should buy a dildo that is the right size from an adult toy store and practice on it.
Whipped cream can help trick the taste buds during oral sex. Be sure to observe personal hygiene before the process. Apply the cream to your partner's clean genitals and start licking them with taste, gradually introducing the penis into your mouth.
The caress with the tongue of a secluded place under the bridle of the open head of the penis (in the middle below the head, under the crown groove - a kind of encircling groove) can bring a man to the strongest erection in a matter of seconds. Therefore, oral sex is most often used for sexual foreplay.
To add fuel to the fire of passion, some women drink a few sips of hot milk tea before oral sex. This increases the temperature and humidity in the mouth. Learn different oral sex techniques, do not be afraid to experiment, and very soon in the eyes of a man you will look like a goddess or a Japanese geisha. As you like best.