From time to time, children do things that adults consider unacceptable. Parents can punish a child to stop behaving inappropriately. There are ways to correct your baby's behavior without resorting to physical pressure.

Step 1
In the first 2 years of life, a child can hardly grasp the causal relationship between punishment and his own offense. At this age, the baby should be prohibited from doing only what may harm his health or pose a danger to life. And such prohibitions should be minimized. Secure your apartment as much as possible: get plugs for sockets, remove all sharp and breakable objects on the top shelves of cabinets, get protective corners for furniture. This way, you won't have to punish your toddler for breaking a vase or playing with plugs.
Step 2
If the child reaches for the stove, bites, wants to paint the walls or do something unwanted, try to distract him and offer an alternative. For example, a toddler walks with a pencil to the wallpaper. Invite him to draw on an album or on a special poster attached to the wall.
Step 3
Until the child is 3 years old, you can set no more than 3 strict prohibitions. Decide with the rest of the relatives what exactly you will not allow your baby to do under any circumstances. For example, a child cannot beat your cat or bite your mother. If the baby begins to behave inappropriately, exclaim loudly and in surprise: "You cannot beat a cat in our family!" - and leave the room for 2-3 minutes. In this way, the child will learn that his behavior is alienating his relatives, and gradually he will learn the prohibition. A few minutes of loneliness is a rather severe punishment for a kid if he realized that he himself is to blame for what happened. He may be afraid that all relatives have turned away from him, so you should not use this method too often, so as not to break the formed attachments.
Step 4
If a child aged 3 years or older has committed a misdemeanor for the first time, try to restrain yourself and not punish him. Most likely, he did not know that this should not be done. Explain to the child what exactly he did wrong and why it should not be done. If the behavior is repeated, deprive the child of something enjoyable. For example, it is customary in your family to go to children's cafes, theaters or an amusement park on Sundays. Warn your child that bad behavior will deprive him of such entertainment. Do not use the ban on sweets or cartoons as punishment to avoid creating unhealthy cravings for the forbidden fruit in your child.
Step 5
Be sure to say exactly what the child is being punished for. This will help him to better understand the rules of behavior adopted in your family. No matter what, tell your child that you love him. The kid should know that you are angry with the act, but do not turn away from it.