How Family Affects Socialization

How Family Affects Socialization
How Family Affects Socialization

“It is impossible to live in society and be free from society,” the notorious Ulyanov-Lenin asserted. Indeed, unlike animals, whose life and behavior is primarily determined by instincts, a person from an early age must consciously master the skills necessary for a full life in society, be guided not only by his desires and interests, but also by the desires and interests of other people. This process is called socialization, and the family plays a very important role in it.

How family affects socialization
How family affects socialization

What skills learned in the family affect socialization

As soon as the child reaches the age when he begins to understand the words of the parents, they begin to teach him the rules of behavior; explain what is permissible and what is not; how you can behave in society, and how not worth it; when it is necessary to show character, and where it is better to remain silent. Over time, the child is taught self-service skills (they learn to take food on their own, take care of themselves), instill in him the system of values adopted in this particular family, talk about his ancestors, about the country of which he is a citizen, about the glorious and sad pages of its history, established traditions. The relationship between parents, the atmosphere prevailing in the family, the style of upbringing - all this directly affects the child, shaping the characteristics of his character and behavior. Thus, the family lays the foundations for the worldview of the human person, his ability to communicate with other people.

How successful socialization will be in the family, what results it will lead to, depends on many factors. This is the composition of the family, the nature of intra-family relations, the degree of authority of each of the parents, their views, worldview, habits, level of education, etc. It is clear that with a prosperous, benevolent environment in a family whose members respect a friend, as well as with the right approach to raising a child (combining love and care with reasonable exactingness, involvement in feasible work around the house), the chances of successful socialization of the child are very high. On the contrary, in an atmosphere of constant quarrels, scandals between parents, as well as with the wrong approach to raising children (excessive severity or, on the contrary, excessive indulgence in everything), socialization is unlikely to go as it should.

Who, besides the family, can influence socialization

As the child grows up, the formation of his personality, in addition to the family, is influenced by people in his social circle (relatives, friends), educators in preschool institutions, teachers in schools. In adolescence, the company of peers begins to play a large role. Nevertheless, the foundations of the human personality are formed precisely in the family, therefore its influence is most significant. Try not to swear in front of the child, be polite, respect each other, do not restrict the child too much in freedom. And then your little one will be prepared for adulthood.
