How Family Affects Personality

How Family Affects Personality
How Family Affects Personality

The family lays the foundations for the personality, it is here that the child learns to interact with others, absorbs social norms and rules. In the future, new significant social groups appear, but the foundations that the child received in the family will affect his entire future life.

How family affects personality
How family affects personality

Identifying personality

In psychology, there is a separation of the concepts of individual, personality and individuality. The founder of this classification is A. N. Leontiev. According to his theory, personality is the subject of social relations and conscious human activity. It follows from this that the formation of personality is impossible outside the social environment.

Family influence

The institution of the family is credited with the main role in the formation of the personality, because it is she who is the first social group with which the child meets. It is here that the child receives the first ideas about the world and society, which is the foundation for all subsequent human development. The importance of the influence of the family is enhanced by the strong emotional and social dependence of the members of the group on each other, as well as by the duration of exposure; according to these indicators, no other institution of socialization can compete with the family.

It is the family that lays down the basic structures of the personality: the style of relations with other people, which he gets through observing the behavior of his parents. It is the personal example of parents that has the greatest influence, not reproaches and admonitions. Through interaction with adults, the child gets the first ideas about himself, which is why attention and care are so important. Lack of parental love can lead to complexes in the future. Also, the child in the family forms an idea of himself as a representative of the female or male sex, learns to adjust his behavior in accordance with these ideas. Moral values are formed, the child learns what is "good" and "bad". Thanks to communication with parents, the child forms life meanings, as well as aspirations and ideals, gets a sense of connection between generations, learns to perceive himself as part of a group, thereby forming a sense of belonging.

But the most important acquisition is that the child learns to communicate. Based on his views and attitudes, he forms a communication style, learns to interact with people around him. The support of adults is of great importance here, it allows the child not to be isolated in failures, but to make new attempts.

However, the family will not have a decisive influence throughout a person's life. In psychology, it is generally accepted that with admission to school, a new institution of socialization appears in a child's life. Now the school teacher and peers will have a big impact. In later life, new significant social groups will appear, however, by the age of 7 the child has already laid the foundations of the personality, which means that only behavior correction can be carried out further, therefore, according to the strength of influence and influence, it is the family that is the main one in the development of the personality.
