Expectation of a child is a special period in the relationship between husband and wife. On the one hand, the early replenishment in the family is a joyful event that brings spouses closer together. On the other hand, during pregnancy, the usual life of a couple changes a lot, and because of this, conflicts can arise in the family.

Step 1
Due to changes in hormonal levels, a pregnant woman becomes more irritable and quick-tempered. During this period, the partner must show maximum endurance, attention and care so that the relationship in the family remains tender and warm. However, a woman should learn to restrain her emotional impulses, because a man's patience is not unlimited. Try to control yourself so as not to get lost on your husband over trifles.
Step 2
In some couples, a woman, upon learning about her pregnancy, radically changes her life, while the future dad wants to live as before. This inevitably leads to conflicts, and sometimes separation. For example, you used to go to the movies, to concerts, or just to see your friends every weekend, but now you would like to stay at home and read a book about caring for babies. It is perfectly normal that the role of the expectant mother becomes the main one for a pregnant woman. However, do not forget that you are also a wife. It is worth considering the opinion of your spouse and sometimes giving in to him. Find compromises: Offer to go to a picnic this week and choose a changing table for your baby next week. This way, you will still spend a lot of time together and learn to give in to each other.
Step 3
Before the appearance of the baby, future parents will have to solve a lot of problems. Get a stroller, crib, baby stuff, first toys, or, if you decide not to buy anything in advance, make a list of everything you need and find out where it is sold. Such pleasant chores bring the couple closer together. A woman should not make all purchases on her own, because the future dad is the same parent, and he should be included in the issues of caring for the child in advance.
Step 4
While waiting for the baby, a woman goes through a lot of research. You can come to some of them with your husband. For example, more and more future dads are present at ultrasound. Together, the spouses count the baby's fingers, listen to their baby's heart beating. These pleasant and exciting moments bring husband and wife closer and more and more help them get used to the new role of future parents.
Step 5
If you are taking a pregnancy course, invite your husband to accompany you. He, like you, has to take care of the baby, and the knowledge of how to change a baby's diaper and how to bathe a newborn will be useful. In addition, often after attending such courses, husbands begin to treat their pregnant wives with great understanding and trepidation, and some even decide to be present at the birth of a baby. So the husband and wife gradually turn from a loving couple into a real family.
Step 6
Unfortunately, sometimes insurmountable conflicts appear in couples during pregnancy. For example, if a man does not want to participate in the life of an unborn child at all, or if a woman forgets that she is not only a future mother, but also a wife. In order not to ruin the relationship, such couples can seek help from a psychologist.