Finally, a child, a long-awaited son, appears in the life of a young couple. But bad luck, your husband does not want to spend time with him, avoids contact, and sometimes flatly refuses to sit with him while you need to go about your business. This, of course, is a serious problem, but it is quite possible to solve it.

What's going on in your man's head?
You really want to understand why your husband is so afraid of his son. You torment yourself with vague doubts: "Does he need this child at all?" To understand the whole essence of the situation, try to imagine yourself in the place of your husband. When your relationship just began, you were completely left to each other, the man was fully embraced by the love and affection of his wife, and now he lacks all this. Now a third person has appeared in your family life - your child.
A man may subconsciously have jealousy, because now you have begun to pay more attention to the child.
Also, your man may not be satisfied with children's screams, sometimes a disheveled appearance of his wife, an uncleaned apartment. Increasingly, this may resemble childish jealousy - a favorite toy has been taken away. After all, how else to call these grievances. A lot of married couples face this problem. So how do you deal with this embarrassment in your relationship?
Make your husband love your son
For such a difficult task, you need to stock up on a lot of patience. After all, this will take a long time, there will be a lot of controversy to go through. But try to remember that any disputes and conflicts need to be extinguished at the initial stage. This will save the nerves of both.
Try to convince your man that the present family life has become much more fulfilling and happier with the appearance of a young son.
You need to develop love for your baby in your husband through caring. Let the husband take a direct part in the care, because any action that connects the father with the son brings them closer. Leave them alone sometimes while you go out on business. Take a couple of photos of them as fishermen, thereby reminding your man of how he dreamed of fishing together. You can also show your husband what your son and the husband himself look like in photographs in infancy, by this you can indicate that the child is a part of him.
Try to have more joy together. Watch family comedies more often, because children love the laughter of their parents, the little son will smile in return. It will also help melt your husband's cold hedge.
You should try to tame the man's jealousy. Try to show him that you still need him, give him more affection and warmth, prove that you are still good together.