What Is Slave Psychology

What Is Slave Psychology
What Is Slave Psychology

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The period of the slave system ended long ago, but thinking remained. Even after the abolition of serfdom, there are vestiges that are very difficult to eradicate among the people. Psychologists say that the echoes of that time prevent many from being realized.

What is slave psychology
What is slave psychology


Step 1

A slave is a person who is completely subordinate to the master's authority, he fulfills his requirements, is his property. Officially, this type of relationship does not exist, but if you look closely, it becomes clear that many enterprises have similar principles. A modern individual does not belong to anyone, he has the right to choose a place and sphere of work, and can leave his position at any time. But sometimes conditions are created when these actions will lead to a deterioration in life. For example, in Russia it is very difficult for a woman to realize herself after 50 years, she is still full of strength, knowledge, but if she does not agree with the opinion of the management and quit, then it will be difficult to find a new place. It is also difficult to find a job in small towns if there is only one factory and there is nowhere else to go.

Step 2

Slave psychology is a lack of self-expression, it is complete obedience to orders. In many enterprises, initiative is punishable, people only do what is prescribed to them, they do their job like slaves. Not only is there no desire to improve, but opportunities are also absent. Thousands of people do not want to change something, they are satisfied with a set of functions that need to be repeated regularly. At the same time, it is necessary to think in a formulaic way, no new skills and ideas are required.

Step 3

Working for the owner implies a constant desire to shy away from activities. The slave is not interested in profit, does not think about the results. He is stimulated only by punishment if the goal is not achieved, but he himself does not want to do something for the common good. Whenever possible, they look for moments to relax, go about their business, and not do something for the good of society. This is how many office workers behave, at the first convenient opportunity they are distracted.

Step 4

Slave psychology implies the absence of an opinion. Correct ideas are expressed by the leaders, their discussion is not encouraged. Today, the role of the owner is often played by the state, with the help of the media certain ideas are brought into the heads of ordinary people. In the absence of censorship, there is a rather serious control that allows you to tune the masses in the desired way. People are not aware of their position, as it is perfectly disguised.

Step 5

In slave labor, all income remains in the hands of the owner. The worker himself has a minimum amount of funds, which is enough to cover only the necessary needs. A small salary does not allow many to buy something of value, and all the profits from the work of thousands of factories remain in the hands of a handful of people. At the same time, a worldview is created in different ways, in which all this is considered the norm. Slave psychology is becoming a way of thinking, not of individual people, but of entire nations.
