It is rare to find a couple in which both are equally in love with each other. Usually one person loves, and the other simply allows himself to be loved. And more often than not, it is the woman who experiences strong feelings. She is ready for a lot for her man. But such loving bondage does not bring anything good.

Step 1
Love slaves get the minimum out of the relationship they are in. They do not know what reciprocal feelings are, they often sacrifice their time, make concessions. Such a situation cannot be liked. After all, women want romance, mutual love, they want to be pleased and given at least something in return for their feelings. If you realize that you have become a slave to love, then the first step on the path to healing has already been taken. And there is not so much left to accomplish to stop indulging other people's whims.
Step 2
If the man doesn't love you, make him feel this way or leave him. The first method is more complicated and requires a lot of time and energy. The second option will bring you pain, but it can be compared to the pain of surgery to remove a cancerous tumor. Yes, there are unpleasant sensations, but it saved your health or even your life.
Step 3
Decide to choose the first option - change completely. After all, the man who you are now already knows. And it is not enough to change only the hairstyle, clothes or style of behavior. You have to become a completely different person, especially in a relationship with your loved one. Try to react to everything in a new way: to his behavior, to quarrels, to the fact that he is trying to manipulate you. Be more calm, don't show your feelings, no matter what the cost.
Step 4
Start developing yourself. This is one of the key points in your change. Become more erudite, start a new hobby, learn to understand something new for yourself. Development must occur constantly, otherwise you will not be able to achieve the desired result.
Step 5
Well, if you chose the second option, break the relationship abruptly. Change your phone number, ICQ, Skype, so that he can no longer call or write you. Of course, you yourself shouldn't dial the coveted numbers either. It will be painful, but then you can start a new relationship that will allow you to experience all the charm of life. In addition, the pain of separation does not last so long, after a couple of months you will move away from past troubles.
Step 6
To get through this unpleasant period as painlessly as possible, load yourself with work. Meet with friends as often as possible, try to diversify your life. And, of course, remember only the worst that happened in your past relationship.