Can a child be spoiled at a very early age? If you are used to fulfilling all his whims, pampering and constantly carrying him in your arms, then you have every chance of becoming a slave to a child. Such a child gets used to manipulating his relatives, because they are crazy about him - they keep him on their knees for hours, play, entertain him - after all, he is constantly in the spotlight. After a while, such a kid will forget how to be alone, will not be able to entertain himself on his own if necessary. As soon as a mother leaves such a child alone for five minutes, she immediately hears screams and crying. This dependence will soon become a burden for parents. How not to fall under the tiny heel of a child?

Step 1
First you need to understand the reasons for being spoiled. The long-awaited baby is the meaning of life for any parents. Mom and Dad feel responsible for this tiny creature, constantly worrying if they are doing everything right. Therefore, barely hearing the cry of the crumbs, mothers and grandmothers run as fast as they can to the call. Especially, this applies to the first children, when there is still no experience and everything is new. Parents of long-awaited children do the same, parents who are not confident in their possibilities of proper upbringing, and parents who want to embody their own ambitions in children.
Step 2
How to re-educate a capricious baby? The main thing is to notice in a timely manner that the child begins to abuse his position as a helpless pet. We'll have to arm ourselves, despite pity for the beloved child, by willpower, firmness and consistency. You need to understand that being spoiled will not benefit the child in the future. A capricious child may look touching to a certain extent, but a capricious adult is at least unpleasant for others. Therefore, the main reason for decisive action should be the desire to help the child grow up as a worthy person.
Step 3
Now directly about reeducation. First, make yourself a free time schedule. Try doing some of the household chores while your baby is awake. Create a very busy look, at the request of the crumb to be with him, friendly, but firmly explain to him that you are busy, that this work is very urgent and must be done today. Try to impress the child. Most likely, the child will not immediately understand the meaning of your words, but do not deviate from what you have planned - these first hours are the most difficult, but at the same time the most decisive. Children quickly get used to everything - and your baby will get used to it. Try to talk to your child more during cleaning, explain to him what exactly and why you are doing. By constantly hearing your voice, the child will calm down faster.
When things are redone and you decide it's time to take care of your child, try not to carry him in your arms for hours, as before, but sit him on your lap and try to play with him this way. Let him gradually get used to independence.