Can A 6 Month Old Baby Be Given Mashed Potatoes?

Can A 6 Month Old Baby Be Given Mashed Potatoes?
Can A 6 Month Old Baby Be Given Mashed Potatoes?

Potatoes are a favorite vegetable of many. After all, you can cook a variety of different dishes from it, which both children and adults like. And it is no coincidence that when introducing complementary foods to a baby, mothers are often interested in whether it is possible to teach a baby to potatoes, and at what age it is best to do this.

Can a 6-month-old baby be given mashed potatoes
Can a 6-month-old baby be given mashed potatoes

Potatoes in the baby's diet

Potatoes contain potassium, iodine, iron, phosphorus, vitamins, antioxidants and organic acids, which have a positive effect on digestion and the cardiovascular system. However, despite its benefits, you cannot start complementary foods with potatoes. First, the baby needs to be taught to other monocomponent puree: broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini. Potatoes can be introduced into the diet for a baby from six months. Children on artificial feeding - from five, but there is no need to rush. The optimal age for feeding potatoes is six months.

The well-known pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky does not recommend rushing with the introduction of baby potatoes into the menu. The doctor advises first to accustom the baby to cereals and fermented milk dishes, and only then move on to potatoes. It can be given when the child has at least one tooth. The most suitable period for the introduction of potatoes is 8 months, the pediatrician notes. And you must first start with vegetable broths, after which you can move on to vegetable puree, and then to a variety of soups.

Like any other complementary food, you need to introduce potatoes into the baby's diet from small volumes. Half a teaspoon is enough the first time. The next time, if the baby reacted normally to a new dish, the portion is increased. If the child does not want to try a new dish, the mother should not insist: it is best to postpone the acquaintance with him for a few days, and then repeat the "procedure" again.

Potato menu for baby

There are many ways to prepare baby food potatoes. Tubers can be boiled in boiling water under a lid, in a double boiler, or baked in a microwave or oven. Grind the finished potatoes until puree. If this is the first acquaintance with a root crop, you should add breast milk or milk formula, which the baby prefers, to it. You can also dilute the potatoes with the broth in which the vegetable was cooked.

Later, when the child gets used to it, you can add cow's milk or vegetable oil to the puree. For additional taste by 8-9 months, you can add greens chopped with a blender to the puree. It is also helpful to pair potatoes with other vegetables. And when the baby gets acquainted with meat, then with mashed potatoes or meatballs, which must first be chopped and then combined with potatoes.

When preparing meals for babies, you should, if possible, try to do without salt and spices (especially at the beginning of complementary foods) or use them very carefully.
