With the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods, parents face a lot of questions about what kind of puree to feed the child and whether to buy a factory one or cook it on their own. In practice, making fresh vegetable or fruit puree is quite simple.

- - vegetables or fruits;
- - grater;
- - blender.
Step 1
Before making a puree for a child, carefully study the purchased fruits or vegetables. It is desirable that they be local. These fruits contain more nutrients and the risk of allergic reactions is less than in the case of eating imported vegetables. Fruits must be intact, free from damage or signs of rot.
Step 2
Wash vegetables or fruits thoroughly with a brush, then peel them, cut off tough parts such as cauliflower stalks, remove seeds and grains, if any. Sweet fruits do not require heat treatment, it is enough just to chop the fruits on a grater and rub through a sieve or beat in a blender. Use plastic or stainless steel graters to grind. On contact with common metal, vitamin C evaporates and the puree loses its beneficial properties.
Step 3
When preparing the vegetable puree, chop the food into small pieces and place in boiling water, covering the pan with a lid. If the child is prone to allergies, then it is advisable to pre-soak a vegetable such as potatoes in water for 6-8 hours. So excess starch will go away from it, causing skin rashes.
Step 4
Boil vegetables until tender, then chop until smooth. To make the puree more tender, it can be diluted with a small amount of breast milk, mixture or vegetable broth. Salt, sugar and other flavoring additives are not added to the nutrition of children under one year old. As the baby grows up, vegetable or butter is added to the vegetable puree.