The development of babies is always individual. One, just a week after birth, tries to keep his head up, but still does not know how to smile. The second baby from a sitting position immediately tries to get up on his legs, completely refusing to crawl. However, it is important to know what the average baby should be able to do approximately at different stages of its development, for example, at 5 months.

A 5-month-old baby greets her mother with a smile, communicates with friends with pleasure. But he is more than wary of strangers. Seeing a familiar person, the child can pull the arms and smile broadly. Playing with parents brings a lot of emotions. The most addicting game is tossing your favorite toy. The child watches with interest as she falls. The baby holds the rattles with both handles quite confidently. For a while he can play with them, carefully consider.
A child at 5 months is becoming more active every day. He will not sit in one place. The baby already knows how to roll over from tummy to back and back. The grip of the small handles is strong enough. The baby grabs onto any support (crib, mother's hands), trying to get up and sit down.
Many parents are eager to help the little one. However, you should not rush things. The child's spine is not strong enough for such a load. Premature sitting down can provoke poor posture. Some children try to crawl, although these movements are still poorly obtained.
When the baby turns 5 months old, parents can hear the first passages of the words. A small person repeats the intonation of adults, follows their facial expressions, trying to imitate. At this age, the child cries consciously enough if his desires are not satisfied.
One of the favorite pastimes is the peek-a-boo game. First, with mother's help, and then independently, the child hides in his own palms. No less exciting activity is playing with bright books. The child turns several pages with his whole palm at once, tries to feel the pictures. The baby is also delighted with a musical toy or a rattle.
Loving parents who care about the well-being and normal development of their child will certainly be rewarded with new skills for their toddler.