Why Is My Husband Lying

Why Is My Husband Lying
Why Is My Husband Lying

Even children know that lying is bad. But life makes its own adjustments and makes you understand that not every lie is a crime and betrayal.

Why is my husband lying
Why is my husband lying

That is why, before weeping and grieving: “My husband is deceiving me!”, You should figure out why he is lying and react in accordance with a specific situation.

Exaggeration tendency

Some men tend to exaggerate, embellish, in general, be creative in presenting facts. If your loved one came back from fishing and said that he caught "in-oh-from such a fish", you will not raise a commotion, will you? So, is it worth it to get upset and call your husband a liar when you hear from him: "I am to a friend for half an hour - there and back!" and making sure that "half an hour" has already passed two hours ago …

Connect humor! Knowing this feature of your "fisherman", do not waste your nerves for yourself and him. But when deciding important issues, do not forget to check all the facts and convince him to be extremely collected.

Lie to the rescue

What does the wife expect when asking the question: "I have gained 5 kg. Dear, is it very noticeable?" or "If Vera Brezhneva invited you on a date, would you go?" Men know perfectly well that a woman does not need the truth in these cases, so they say what is expected of them, and not what they really think.

Is it worth exaggerating the significance of such a "lie to save"? If your husband deviated somewhat from the truth, sparing your feelings, is it really necessary to make claims to him?

Avoiding conflict

Remember the scandal you caused your husband when he was late after working with friends? And how did you scold him that he spent the money in an "inappropriate way" by buying himself a new spinning rod? A smart man will no longer report to you about his affairs in order to avoid family turmoil - he will simply lie to you: "The boss detained you after work", "The neighbor gave spinning - he did not need it." In this situation, it is you who make the man lie with your critical attitude and total control over his life.

Understand that every person needs a "breath of freedom" and stop demanding accountability for every step. Convince your husband that it is not dangerous for him to be frank with you: “I know how important meetings with friends are for you, but I worry when you stay for a long time!”, “I am glad that you now have a new spinning rod. But I would like to so that next time you warn me about big purchases so we can plan the family budget. " When your husband stops being afraid of a scandal in response to his frankness, he will stop lying to you.

Pathological deceit

Does the husband lie not only to you, but also to everyone around him - over trifles, in a big way and just like that? Most likely, this behavior has been fixed in him since childhood. Fearing the punishment of a strict mother (teacher, classmates), he learned to avoid conflicts, masterly deceiving.

No matter how you behave, it is almost impossible to fix a pathological liar. Therefore, it is up to you to decide if you can be happy next to such a man.
