How To Find Out If Your Husband Is Lying

How To Find Out If Your Husband Is Lying
How To Find Out If Your Husband Is Lying

Marriage is a holy covenant between a man and a woman. And at the same time, sad statistics show that each year the divorce rate exceeds the previous one. The general licentiousness and depravity, the propaganda of free relations, have done their dirty deed. How to find out that the husband is lying and stop the destruction of the family in time?

How to recognize a lie
How to recognize a lie

You can philosophize a lot on the topic of why marriages collapse, who is to blame and who is right, but this is not the case. We need practical advice applicable in everyday life, ordinary people. The topic of marital fidelity is deeper than the Mariinsky Trench, so we need to focus on one of the problems that can lead to the destruction of the family as a result: lodges. It all begins with her darling, lied once, lied a second.

How to find out that the husband is lying, the first signs

An unexpected desire to dress well and beautifully. If you believe the words of the famous American divorce lawyer Merlin Stowe, this is the first sign that a man has a mistress and you should not lose your vigilance. But keep in mind, this point is only true if you really notice a dramatic change in the tastes and habits of your man.

Keeping your mobile phone with you at all times is another sign of infidelity or that your husband wants to hide something from you. Of course, it would be nice if this something was a pleasant surprise for your wedding anniversary or Valentine's Day. But as practice shows, this is more the exception than the rule.

In theory, there should be no secrets between a husband and wife, in the truest sense of the word. Western culture has imposed on us such a concept as personal space, etc. But all this is wrong, well, there should be no secrets between loving hearts and that's it. Therefore, the appearance of a password on the desktop, hidden, protected folders and files on a mobile phone is not a normal phenomenon, although who knows, maybe your husband is not lying, but is a secret agent of the FSB. As you understand all this is from the realm of fantasy, and the sudden appearance of passwords is a serious reason to think.

In your husband's conversation, female names or first names often slip through. This is a purely psychological feature of human nature. If your man has sympathy for a stranger girl, especially from your social circle, then this one will very often appear in his conversations. According to Sigmund Freud, in this case, in order to catch the liar by the sleeve, you should carefully monitor his slips, which, in Freud's opinion, have a serious background.

Lack or a sharp drop in sexual interest in your person. If earlier the husband tried to drag you into bed at the first opportunity, and now this desire has suddenly evaporated somewhere - there is a reason to suspect that the husband is lying. True, there is one significant nuance here that must be taken into account.

How often have you turned down your spouse, how do you look after your appearance and what kind of relationship you have developed. So, on the one hand, the lack of sexual desire is a reason to suspect your husband of treason, and on the other hand, to think for yourself if you are the reason for this behavior. Remember causation.

The husband is lying, what to do?

You have just read some of the most typical signs that answer the question: how do you know that your husband is lying? But as practice shows, a wise and attentive woman can do without these advice, since by nature girls have an innate intuition that allows them to feel that something is wrong in a relationship even before the moment comes when it will be too late to change anything.

The first thought that may come to your mind, as soon as you are affirmed in the understanding that your husband is a traitor and is blatantly lying to you: make a big scandal and break up with him. This is the worst thing you can do. Before taking decisive action, you should assess the situation soundly and only then make a decision. Continue to follow all of your husband's movements, pretending that you are not aware of anything. Remember that having a lie is not a mandatory sign of having a mistress.

Analyze your relationship over the past year, what has changed in you, what has changed in your spouse? Write down your observations. Again, do not forget about the causal relationship, there is no smoke without fire, and if your husband is lying to you that he is being detained at work, but in fact he goes to drink beer with friends, think about why he does not want to return home. Perhaps you made some mistake, be unbiased in your analysis and it will be easier for you to find a way out of this situation.

Note that friends in this matter are not the best advisers, do not wash dirty linen in public, try to solve your problems yourself. When you have collected enough facts in order to draw adequate conclusions, call your husband for a frank conversation and try to solve the situation without a scandal. If it does not work out on its own, you can always turn to a family psychologist for help.
