The offer has already been made, the engagement is over, and the wedding day has been set. The most difficult time is coming, full of troubles, exciting and joyful, but still troubles. Therefore, all the details of the wedding celebration must be thought of in advance - from invitations to the celebration hall.

Application submission
A statement to the registry office is the starting point for any wedding celebration. The registry office accepts an application two months before the selected date. This time needs to be devoted to various legal issues, for example, to decide in advance whether a marriage contract will be concluded or the maiden name will be changed.
Wedding budget
The planned scale of the holiday will directly depend on how much will be allocated. It is necessary to decide whether the wedding will take place in a family atmosphere or a magnificent celebration with a banquet. The first lines in expense items are occupied by those necessary things that can make a wedding beautiful and become a really bright and memorable event. These are: a wedding dress and a suit for the groom, makeup and hairstyle, a wedding bouquet and wedding rings, a toastmaster and car rental, a banquet and musical accompaniment, hall decorations and fireworks in honor of the holiday, video and photography.
Inviting guests
First, you need to make at least a preliminary list of guests, that is, relatives and friends, work colleagues and acquaintances, all those who would like to see at one of the most important events in life. In addition, it is necessary to select those who will become witnesses. They should be young, energetic and cheerful friends who can help the newlyweds with the ransom arrangements and the entire entertainment program of the wedding.
Choosing a wedding dress
Buying a new dress is the most expensive option. If finances do not allow buying a new dress, then today you can rent it without any problems. You need to buy shoes, stockings, jewelry, veil, gloves, garter and other accessories for the dress.
Wedding banquet hall and cortege
You must first select an institution. In addition, it is useful to decide on a preliminary menu option. You can also make your own wishes for decorating the hall. Of course, it is better to order jewelry and fresh flowers in advance.
Cars can be borrowed from friends, otherwise you can order cars for rent. To take guests from home to the registry office and to the banquet hall, you can rent a minibus for convenience.
Invitations and wedding cake
Wedding invitations must be sent out approximately two weeks before the wedding day so that all guests can plan ahead for the day. You can just call everyone.
The wedding cake today is becoming a real work of art. In two weeks, you need to go to a pastry shop, choose and order the most suitable option for you.