When a woman is expecting her first child, she has no idea what will happen to her in the near future. Such uncertainty gives rise to various disturbing thoughts: will the birth go well, will everything be okay with the baby, how to behave after the birth. Courses for expectant mothers, which have recently been very popular, will help to cope with this excitement.

The courses help expectant mothers to acquire all the necessary knowledge related to pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. You need to start attending classes as early as possible in order to find out more useful information.
Usually, courses for expectant mothers take place in two stages: until the 8th month - lectures and practical exercises on pregnancy, and at a later date - directly preparation for childbirth.
Courses should be conducted only by highly qualified specialists: perinatal psychologists, obstetricians and gynecologists. At 8-9 months, communication with pediatricians and breastfeeding specialists is also necessary.
In pregnancy classes, women will have to learn about the features of each month of pregnancy, about proper balanced nutrition, about the stages of development of an infant in the womb, about gymnastic exercises in the early stages, about emotional and physical changes throughout the entire period, about how to behave during time of each trimester of pregnancy, how easy it is to get out of stress, relax and calm down.
Starting from the 32nd week of pregnancy, prenatal training is carried out, where specialists tell women in detail and in an accessible manner about the birth process, namely: what periods the labor process is divided into, how to behave during labor, how to restore breathing, how to push correctly, what can be done do and what not during labor.
Often, after giving birth, a woman completely switches all attention to the long-awaited child, and her husband at this time feels superfluous. This behavior can lead to frequent quarrels, and as a result - to the breakdown of the family.
During practical exercises (both early and late), the female body is prepared for childbirth. Here, expectant mothers will have to learn a set of gymnastic exercises for pregnant women, master various techniques that help relieve contractions (massage, breathing techniques), learn to breathe correctly during the labor process, master relaxing techniques that will help cope with stress, learn about postures that are most appropriate for childbirth.
In addition, pediatricians conduct practical exercises on caring for an infant, as well as instructions on organizing breastfeeding after childbirth. Psychologists explain to expectant mothers that the lifestyle after the birth of a child will change dramatically. Such an important issue as postpartum depression requires special attention. Equally important is the problem of the deterioration of relations with the husband after the appearance of the baby in the family.
In the last lessons, related questions are also discussed, for example, what things need to be collected in the hospital.
How to choose courses for expectant mothers? It is important that the courses are not very far from home, then you can walk on foot. If classes are held at a maternity hospital, this is a guarantee of high professionalism of the teaching team.
Pregnant women should avoid all kinds of dubious organizations that promote unconventional ways of having a baby. Such courses will not be useful, but rather dangerous for both the woman in labor and the baby.
There are courses not only for mothers, but also for married couples. If the husband has the time and opportunity, then, of course, it would be better to sign up for classes for future parents. In this case, the groups should not be overcrowded so that the teacher can pay attention to all pairs.
Thanks to the comprehensive information received, women get rid of their fear of childbirth. New acquaintances, as well as staying in a warm, benevolent, pleasant atmosphere, bring expectant mothers a lot of positive emotions, which is why the pregnancy proceeds normally and is successfully resolved.