For a rare couple, divorce is easy. Usually people part with a feeling of mutual regret, and one of the partners internally wants to return everything. If you feel like putting an end to the relationship early, do your best to rebuild your family.

Step 1
Let yourself and your partner calm down. Divorces and partings most often occur on emotions, from accumulated resentments and misunderstandings. You both need to cool off. Determine for yourself a period during which you do not need to communicate with your ex-spouse. Even if you really want to see a loved one or just hear his voice, keep yourself in control. The spouse, just like you, is experiencing acute feelings about what happened, despite everything that prompted him to divorce. It is better not to hurt a person in such a state once again.
Step 2
Try to understand what was the real reason for the divorce. See yourself through the eyes of your spouse. Think about how you would feel if your partner did what he didn’t like about you. Don't try to whitewash yourself. If this were possible, the spouse himself would justify you, but divorce is an extreme measure and it comes when there is no other way out. Therefore, take your loved one's complaints seriously.
Step 3
Change your behavior. However, don't just pretend that you've realized your mistakes. Change for yourself first. Rate how much easier or harder it is for you to live with these inner changes. If you feel that you cannot live like this permanently, reconciliation is out of the question, since the relationship will again end in parting.
Step 4
Start chatting with your loved one. Unobtrusively offer to meet or call. Remember: now you have no right to demand neither dates, nor loyalty, nor understanding. Your partner is absolutely free at the moment, and you need to win him over again. If you have a child with each other, meet with your spouse and suggest spending time with your baby. But don't show that the purpose of the date was different.
Step 5
Earn the trust of your loved one. Always offer your help, make unexpected surprises, be attentive and caring. Create an atmosphere in your relationship that will give your partner a reason to think about your reunion.
Step 6
Talk to your loved one. If you feel that your partner is showing interest in you, suggest starting over. Don't insist on living together. Make it clear that you want to change the direction of the relationship, not its essence. Gradually, you will be able to prove to your spouse that it is better for you to be together, but give him the opportunity to make this decision on his own.