The separation of married couples is a situation that occurs quite often. Often, betrayal of a spouse leads to this result. However, even in such a situation, the sometimes abandoned wife longs for the return of her husband. If you listen to the advice of experts, then it is quite possible to implement.

The departure of a spouse from the family is a common situation. And quite often, when this happens, the abandoned wife still has feelings for her husband who left her, and she passionately longs for his return. Sometimes she immediately begins to make appropriate attempts, but, not knowing how to act correctly, she often makes a lot of mistakes that completely alienate the faithful from her.
So that this does not happen, it is important to heed the advice of specialists, even better - to personally go to an appointment with a family psychologist. An experienced professional will be able to give recommendations related to a specific situation, since in each case of separation of spouses, the nuances can be very different.
It is important for the abandoned wife to decide for herself whether she really needs the return of her husband to her family or whether she simply does not want to learn to rebuild life and look for new love. If feelings for your husband remain, you can try to return him.
Whatever the reason for the departure of the husband, his faithful, striving for family reunification, one should think over a plan of action to implement such an intention without emotion, with restraint and composure. Depending on what exactly caused the separation, the procedure for returning the spouse will be different. It is worth saying that any methods will be effective only when the husband still has warm feelings for his wife, and deep down he himself strives for the same thing as she.
If the reason for the separation was not another woman, but the man's fatigue from the tense situation in the house, his wife will have to first of all take up herself. Of course, she should not completely blame herself for the occurrence of such a situation, but it is also important to admit her mistakes made in marriage.
It is important for a lady to remember whether she always behaved like a loving spouse and whether she made remarks or actions against the faithful that humiliate his pride (and for men it is much more painful than for women). Has she not turned from an interesting representative of the fair sex into a shrew, not particularly watching her own appearance, but always able to reproach her husband for not fulfilling any family responsibilities?
If so, then the woman should try to remember what she was like when she met her future spouse. For what qualities did he love her, what attracted him to her? We must try again to become such an interesting and extraordinary person, and do not forget about appearance.
You can go to the gym, beauty salon (change your hairstyle, manicure, etc.), as well as come up with an exciting activity - some interesting hobby. For example, get carried away with the study of foreign languages, macrame, skydiving - whatever you like. It is important that interests extend beyond work and home.
In many cases, this will make the husband, who had cooled to his wife, again feel that he is not indifferent to her. It’s worth getting some patience, though: the process of returning to normal family relationships is usually quite long. It will be even more difficult if the reason for the separation was treason.
According to psychologists, many men, having gone to their mistress, secretly hope that the path to return to the family is not cut off for them. This is what the legal spouse should take advantage of.
In this situation, the most effective - in the case when the family can be reanimated at all - will be the tactics of removal recommended by many specialists. It is important to understand male psychology. Leaving for another, the husband hopes that he will retain control over the feelings of the abandoned wife. Her tantrums and tearful attempts to beg him to return will only play into his hands. He will understand: you can safely live in two houses, and he will be accepted everywhere. However, the wife needs something completely different: that he would return to confess and not even look to the side.
The wise spouse will not follow the standard scenario. No tears (at least in the presence of a traitor), blackmail - independently or through loved ones - and other actions that wives usually resort to in such cases. Her weapon will be sheer composure. In addition, she will need to intersect with her ex to a minimum. Dealing with a departed husband should be done only on issues related to common children (if any).
Even when the spouse comes to the offspring, she should not be present at this meeting. The wife will go to another room or even from the house - on her own business. She must create the appearance of eternal employment - and the fact that she has a new, interesting life. By this, she will demonstrate to the traitor: he is not the center of her universe, but a person who has remained in the past.
Moreover, one should not succumb to any attempts of the spouse to talk heart to heart. In addition, one should generally avoid topics related to the husband when communicating with relatives, acquaintances and friends. The faithful will certainly try to find out through them what exactly the wife thinks about him, and he should not be given such an opportunity. You need to immerse him in a kind of information vacuum regarding this aspect.
This should continue until the moment when the husband calls his spouse for a final conversation. Its difference from the usual, trial, attempts to find out the feelings of his wife will be that here the faithful will "squeeze", not allowing to leave and interrupt communication. In addition, he will really beg to forgive him and allow him to return (perhaps even kneel down), and not speculate about it hypothetically.
Here, the spouse should also not show any feelings (especially joy) and immediately set out a list of conditions under which she will agree to go to family reunification. It should not contain any abstraction and consist entirely of specific requirements. For example, so that the husband comes home from work on time, never texting, flirting and generally not allowing signs of attention to other ladies, etc. You can add several other requirements - in particular, the ability for yourself to go on vacation alone once a year. It is also necessary to mention exactly what penalties will be applied in case of violation of such rules.
In order for the spouse to return to the family, he must agree with all the proposed conditions. He starts to bargain - it is worth considering how to finally break with him. It is important for the spouse to remember: it is she who is the injured party, and the traitor is not in a position to make his own demands.
If family reunification is carried out according to this scenario, the husband is unlikely to still allow the trip "to the left." A thought will sink in his subconscious: any of his mistakes will finally alienate his wife from him.