Statistics, as you know, knows everything. And according to her, today almost half of marriages break up in the first decade after the wedding. Therefore, the question of how to be happy in marriage, and, therefore, to preserve it, is of interest to those who have just started their family life or are preparing for it. Sociologists and psychologists analyzed the family life of those couples who managed to live together and preserve their feelings, and offered their recommendations for family happiness, with which we will share with you.

Step 1
It turned out that the happiest families were those where the spouse was 5-6 years older, and the wife was a little smarter. At the same time, before the wedding, they lived in the same cultural and social environment. This recommendation can be heeded because it increases your chances of happiness in marriage, but it literally does not have to be followed.
Step 2
Each of their spouses should have a favorite business and their own passions and hobbies, from which they enjoy. Both partners should bring income to the family, but they should be interested in and keep abreast of each other's affairs. At any time, they should be ready to support, discuss and give advice to the one who needs it.
Step 3
The husband and wife should have their own protected area in the house, a personal space where everyone can be alone. Of course, this does not mean that everyone needs an extra room, but plan a secluded corner in the house where you can be alone with yourself, take a break from communication, and even just calmly read. This is especially true for men who sometimes just physically need such privacy.
Step 4
Do not set hard rules and pointless restrictions that are easy to break even without any malicious intent. The more freedom spouses give to each other, the more trust they show. Free, trusting relationships in the family, create a special atmosphere of reliability and comfort, make you want to return home as soon as possible, where you are so calm, and your soul is so comfortable.