There is an opinion that any woman dreams of getting married. This is partly true, but today marriage is a conscious choice of a woman, and she herself decides when to tie herself in marriage.

In Russia, a nineteen-year-old girl was already considered too late in girls, and at twenty-five it was simply unrealistic to get married. The status of an "old maid" allowed counting only on marriage to a widower or a divorced loser. The creation of a family was dictated by the position of women in society.
At the time of the events described, Juliet's mother was 26 years old: "As for me, in your years I was your mother for a long time." And she already dreamed of having grandchildren.
Under developed socialism, there were their own ideas about the family as a unit of society. A condescendingly compassionate attitude towards a single woman forced them to marry literally the first person they met, so as not to stand out from the crowd. The status of a married lady created psychological comfort, although family happiness was often limited to this.
Today all over the world there is a global change in the very institution of marriage. Official registration is not compulsory, and such a form of relationship as civil marriage is becoming more common. Moreover, feminization throughout the civilized world has given women the right to independently choose their way of life, including in relation to creating a family.
In European and American practice, there has long been a tendency to increase the age of marriage for both men and women. Women are in no hurry to commit themselves to a stable material well-being. Despite the fact that the man is formally considered the head of the family, in practice in many families the wife has a higher income and higher status.
Unfortunately, Russian practice still presupposes early marriage. Partly the provoking factor is the prevailing public opinion and prejudices, which are quite difficult to overcome if you are not a creative person, tuned in to self-improvement. A woman's low self-esteem can lead to the fact that she begins to experience complexes about loneliness. At the same time, a woman can have a sufficient status and material income above the average. Paradoxically, these are the factors that complicate the choice of a life partner.
But what is a modern woman in her thirties? The age of a modern woman is generally difficult to determine externally. In addition, 30 years is the biological dawn. In combination with life experience, bordering on wisdom, the image of a woman is created, no longer worthy of a prince on a white horse, but a king on a Lexus. Another question is that it is quite difficult to find the king, not to go to the club "Who is over 30"? As a rule, male peers are either married, divorced, or convinced bachelors. None of the options can guarantee a happy family life. The situation is similar with older men, with the difference that some of them are not of physiological interest for a thirty-year-old woman.
The first literary work about virtual acquaintance is the book of the Polish prose writer Janusz Wisniewski "Loneliness on the Net".
One of the best options today is the Internet. On the Internet, you can meet a friend, a like-minded person, and a life partner. just do not set a goal for yourself - to find a husband at any cost. You can also marry a plumber at any cost. Although an acquaintance with a locksmith on the train can also lead to a happy ending.