What Is The Chance Of Getting Pregnant Immediately After Ovulation?

What Is The Chance Of Getting Pregnant Immediately After Ovulation?
What Is The Chance Of Getting Pregnant Immediately After Ovulation?

Sex hormones tightly control a woman's ability to conceive. And whether a woman is able to become pregnant after she has ovulated can only be understood when it becomes clear what ovulation is, when and why it occurs.

What is the chance of getting pregnant immediately after ovulation?
What is the chance of getting pregnant immediately after ovulation?

Every woman has a specific menstrual cycle, ranging from 21 days to 38 days. If her cycle is regular, stable, then the woman is healthy, regardless of its duration. A cycle is a process when the egg matures, first goes out into the tubes, and if it is not fertilized there, then it enters the uterus, where it dies. After that, after a while, menstruation begins, that is, the renewal of the endometrial layer.

The egg itself is short-lived, its lifespan is 12 to 48 hours, and this is just the time when pregnancy can occur. It is at this time that the egg is in the fallopian tubes. This period is approximately the middle of the cycle, so its total duration can be safely divided in half, and these will be the days when pregnancy is most likely. If the cycle, for example, is 26 days, then ovulation occurs from 12 to 14 days, therefore, conception can also occur.

In the last 12 hours of its life, the egg is practically unviable.

If we take into account the life expectancy of the egg, it becomes clear that pregnancy occurs in the next 1-2 days after ovulation has occurred. On the day of ovulation itself, the chance of getting pregnant is much higher than on other days. If a couple is waiting for this moment, then they will have to determine the exact day. This can be done using several simple techniques, one of them is determining the basal temperature. The ovulation test is also pretty accurate. By the way, on this day, the nature of vaginal discharge changes, so you can determine the exact ovulation by them.

You can calculate a convenient time for pregnancy on the monthly calendar. It is not very accurate, but it covers all possible days. In this case, the chance of pregnancy can be increased, taking into account the fact that the date of ovulation may vary. It can move 2-3 days both to an earlier date and to a later one. Thus, you need to cover about a week.

The best time to conceive a baby is the first 12 hours after the egg has entered the fallopian tube. There she is waiting for a meeting with a sperm. Later, pregnancy also occurs, but if it happened in the last hours of the life of the egg, then it is already lacking in nutrients, which may be an obstacle to the attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine wall.

To increase the chance of conception, unprotected sexual intercourse should be started about a week before the planned ovulation, and should be done regularly, every two days. Sperm cells live longer than an egg cell, so there is a chance. If you copulate more often, then the quality of sperm will deteriorate, which will sharply reduce the chances of getting pregnant.

If intercourse occurs frequently, the sperm cells do not have time to mature.

And the main thing that you should know is that pregnancy just occurs after ovulation, since it is during it that an egg appears, ready for fertilization.
