The First Signs Of Pregnancy Immediately After Conception

The First Signs Of Pregnancy Immediately After Conception
The First Signs Of Pregnancy Immediately After Conception

Pregnancy is a special period in a woman's life. For some it is a long-awaited joy, for others it is an unpleasant surprise. Some women immediately realize that they have become pregnant, while others take a long time to determine their position.

The first signs of pregnancy immediately after conception
The first signs of pregnancy immediately after conception

There are a number of signs by which a woman can determine the onset of pregnancy almost immediately. However, it is worth remembering that they are very conditional and depend on the individual characteristics of the body of each woman separately.

Conventionally, the first signs of pregnancy are usually divided into three groups: presumptive, probable and reliable. Immediately after conception, pregnancy symptoms are usually hypothetical, or questionable, as they are also called. It is important to remember that they can also be indicators of some diseases of the female genital area.

The first signs that a woman is pregnant are vaginal bleeding. They may appear about 6 days after conception. However, this does not always happen, and it can be a symptom, for example, of cervical erosion. By the way, in the presence of erosion with the onset of pregnancy, there may also be similar discharge.

The breast is an organ that will assist a woman in determining the onset of pregnancy. Soon after conception, the female breast becomes more sensitive. There is a regular swelling of the mammary glands, chest pains appear as before menstruation.

Pregnancy is a serious load on the body, causing its restructuring. The most frequent symptom of the onset of pregnancy is early toxicosis. Its features are nausea, vomiting, salivation. As a rule, early toxicosis is acutely manifested in the morning hours. The reaction to smells is often painful.

With the onset of pregnancy, a woman as a whole may feel malaise throughout the body: weakness, dizziness, increased fatigue.

A change in taste is a common symptom of pregnancy. At the same time, not only "pulls on salty" - sometimes a woman begins to want something exotic or something that she had never used before.

If a representative of the fair sex assumes that she has become pregnant, she can resort to measuring the basal temperature. Due to the hormonal surge, it remains elevated after conception for several weeks.

Delay is perhaps the most popular of the suspected signs of pregnancy. However, he can only be trusted if a woman has a regular cycle.

The onset of pregnancy leaves an imprint on the digestive system of the expectant mother. Flatulence occurs, constipation may become more frequent. Constant urge to use the toilet can also be an indicator of the onset of pregnancy.

Later, the situation will change - the fluid will be removed from the body more slowly, provoking swelling of the limbs.

If there are at least some primary signs of pregnancy, it is worth resorting to a test to determine it. It can be done before the delay. Today they are in abundance in every pharmacy. However, it should be understood that the test does not give a 100% guarantee of an "interesting" position. Only a doctor after examination and analysis can confidently say to a woman: "You will have a child."
