What Is Platonic Relationship

What Is Platonic Relationship
What Is Platonic Relationship

Platonic love refers to a relationship in which there is no sensual and physical expression of love. Such relationships are based only on spiritual attraction: in platonic couples they love for moral qualities and values.

What is Platonic Relationship
What is Platonic Relationship


Many will guess that the very name "Platonic" refers to ancient Greece, namely to the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. And they won't be wrong. Indeed, this expression comes from him. In his work "Feast" Plato set forth his opinion about love, but through the role of Pausanius. True, in this text it has a different name - "ideal", i.e. spiritual love.

Platonic relationships in the modern world

It's no secret that platonic relationships are now the exception rather than the rule. For almost every person, no matter whether it is a girl or a guy, sexual, sensual desires are important, which form the basis of relationships. But from people of past generations, grandparents, you can often hear that in their time feelings were different: they could love each other without physical intimacy. Now, many consider such a relationship to be stupidity and completely fake love, although there is also someone who claims that platonic love shows the purest and most sincere feelings that can only be.

Of course, there are times when, for example, a guy is just starting to date a girl, and they have a so-called "candy-bouquet period", you might think that they really have platonic love, because it is enough for them to see each other, to be near each other with a friend. But in the end, sexual desire still slips between them, which is quite natural when people love.

Platonic relationships are common among teenagers. For them it is like a stage of psychoemotional development. Every platonic relationship must eventually move to a new stage of development. In adolescents, this is a kind of preparation for adult relationships with the opposite sex. In addition, it is worth considering the case when a teenager finds an idol. For him, he becomes such an object of adoration, and inaccessible. In this case, the need to express elevated spiritual feelings is realized, which will also help in emotional development.

Every relationship is special in its own way, whether it is platonic or not. A person must decide for himself in what relationship he will be more comfortable. There is no need to ask for advice from loved ones, relatives or friends - everyone feels differently. If a person decides to start a platonic relationship, then there is no need to be afraid of other people's opinions - this is everyone's personal business.
