Virtual dating has become commonplace in our hectic life. More and more couples find each other on the Internet. And there is nothing wrong with that. It is only important to remember that on the other side of the screen there may not be a prince at all on a white horse, but an ordinary adventurer or even a crook.

So how do you find a man with serious intentions in the virtual space? In fact, it is not as difficult as it sounds.
After registering on the dating site and filling out the questionnaire, a large number of people who want to get to know you will begin to write to you. And here it is very important to be able to filter these letters.
First of all, you need to delete all letters with grammatical errors. Do not think that everyone on the Internet writes with great speed and therefore does not have time to monitor literacy. An educated, literate person always tries to write without mistakes. Of course, typos are possible, but messages in which you see "Sorry, right, Do …", it is better to immediately send to the trash and not waste your time.
Ignore all the winks and greetings. A serious man will not get your attention in this way. Rather, behind such winks lies the seeker of an easy relationship.
Also, you do not need to answer letters like "How are you?", "You are beautiful", etc. If a man really liked you, he would show a great interest in the letter, and not be limited to such a meager message.
Try to be critical of everyone who wants to meet you. A profile without a photo should alert you. Don't trust someone who doesn't want to show their face.
If you come across a decent letter in which there is interest in you, then start studying the applicant's data. If everything suits you, feel free to answer. But even if you didn’t like a particular item, it’s still worth talking, because not everything can be displayed in the questionnaire.
When communicating, try to ask more leading questions. So that the applicant for an acquaintance told as much as possible about himself. An honest person has nothing to hide.
A separate item should be taken out "married". There are quite a few of them on dating sites, so you need to be vigilant. If the chosen one does not want to give his phone or asks not to call him, says that he will call himself - this is a sure reason to be wary. So try calling yourself, especially in the evening. If he answers in a whisper or says that he will call back, obviously closes the receiver with his hand, then most likely he is married, and it is not worth continuing to communicate. You've come across an ordinary womanizer who has no serious intentions.
And yet, when meeting in the virtual, it is not necessary to make too long a list of requirements for the chosen one. After all, no one is perfect, not even you. And the man who did not like at first glance, perhaps, is the very prince you are waiting for.