Online Dating: How To Choose The Right Photo

Online Dating: How To Choose The Right Photo
Online Dating: How To Choose The Right Photo

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The photo in the profile on dating sites plays a huge role. It is at her that men look first of all, and only then they decide to take the first step and begin an acquaintance. Many dating site visitors make mistakes when choosing photos, and then they are sincerely surprised why only losers and married adventurers write to them.

Online dating: how to choose the right photo
Online dating: how to choose the right photo


Step 1

For posting on a dating site, it is best to choose a photo in which you can clearly see your face. Small pictures, in which it is difficult to discern facial features and eye expressions, annoy and cause bewilderment: why post a photo if nothing can be clearly seen.

Step 2

The image in the photo is what attracts the eye. It is known that most men are attracted to femininity and defenselessness, so there is no need to post aggressive pictures where you appear in the image of a “fatal seductress” or “director of an enterprise”.

Step 3

It's clear that you want to look younger and fresher in the photo, but you don't need to post ten-year-old pictures on the website. When you meet, there will definitely be disappointment. And let you sincerely believe that you have not changed at all since the time when the successful photo was taken. Time spares no one. You have to accept that you look different now than even five years ago. This must be understood, and you will have to come to terms with this fact.

Step 4

Some women post candid photos on dating sites. It is difficult to say how much such pictures can attract men with serious intentions. Here you need not to cross an extremely thin line and not look vulgar in such photos. Some men are scared away by such photos and subconsciously tune in to a frivolous mood.

Step 5

If you are looking for a serious relationship, then you should not post on your page a lot of photos from vacations, parties and corporate events. Such pictures create the image of a frivolous woman who is not in tune with the family and seeks to get only pleasure from life without binding herself with obligations.

Step 6

Photos of you jumping with a parachute or doing any extreme sports can also scare off men who are inclined to serious long-term relationships. Imagining yourself as a kind of lighter and fidget, you run the risk of going too far, because men prefer to choose quiet and calm women for family life. Such photos are suitable for specialized sites where you can communicate with people close to you in spirit, but not for a dating site.

Step 7

Don't overdo it with Photoshop. By removing wrinkles, freckles and extra pounds, you risk so far away from your real self. When you meet, your potential groom runs the risk of not recognizing you and disappointment is simply inevitable.
