A girl does not always live with dreams of marriage. In addition to arranging family life, women may have other plans in life. And it also happens that a person who offers a hand and a heart is not at all the one with whom you want to go hand in hand through life. In any case, if an offer to get married is received, and you are not going to accept it, you should choose the right words so as not to offend the man.

Step 1
In any case, when responding to an offer, you should not be rude and insult a person, because this reaction of yours can greatly injure an unlucky applicant. There are, of course, superficial people who in three hours will make the same proposal to another woman. To give up such "happiness", reduce it to a joke or try to portray a lack of understanding.
Step 2
If you're just not sure if you need to get married at the moment or not, ask your man to give you time to think. There is nothing wrong with such a reasonable approach to solving a serious issue. This will only add a plus to your merits, show your wisdom and prudence.
Step 3
Having made the final decision not to marry this applicant, think about the answer. Insincere and clumsy words will cause prolonged questioning and give a man hope. Explain that you didn't want to just have fun and play with his feelings. Say that you were hoping for a deep, sincere feeling, but something was missing.
Step 4
Just do not laugh or mock a person in front of friends and acquaintances. This does not at all demonstrate your superiority, only vanity and stupidity. All problems in personal relationships must be resolved in private with each other.
Step 5
Let the man know that you have new ideas about your future life, and you want to translate them into reality. Tell them that you have decided to continue / finish / get a second education. You can explain your refusal by a desire to see the world and understand yourself.
Step 6
Not the fact that you will feel relief after your rejection. You may be tormented by insecurity and pity. But it was your decision, so feel free to step forward into the future. Perhaps your destiny awaits you around the next bend in the street.