When it becomes sad, I really want someone to regret and help to cope with this feeling. And if there was no one around? No problem! Call music for help - it will dispel all sad thoughts and help to cheer you up.

Music has a very strong emotional impact on a person - people have known this since ancient times. With the help of melodious sounds, they even tried to heal the sick and increase the yield of vegetables and the milk yield of cows. And these experiments, as a rule, gave a positive result. The secret is that any living organism has its own vibration, which can be "tuned" to a certain wave. And music does it best.
Proof of this is the behavior of the audience at rock concerts. The most impressionable can go into hysterics, many have aggression. There are even known cases of suicide, which are associated with the influence of heavy music on the psyche. Another example: in some African tribes, criminals were executed with a drum beat. At first, the frequency of the drum beats corresponded to the rhythm of a person's heartbeat, and then the rhythm of the drum slowed down. The heart adjusted to this frequency, and eventually stopped.
However, the property of music to tune a person in a certain way can be used for good purposes. For example, with the help of correctly selected melodies, you can improve your own mood. It happens like this: when you are sad, turn on sad music and cry a little with it. Sometimes tears help to get rid of heaviness and cleanse the soul. This, incidentally, also applies to men who have been taught from childhood not to cry. Now psychologists say that this is possible and even beneficial - the heart will ache less, because stress will not accumulate.
Are you sad with the melody? Now we turn on more fun and more rhythmic music. Let it be a little bit more rhythmic than the previous one, so that there is no internal protest. This melody by a drop, by a degree, but will cheer up. Then we turn on an even faster melody. It’s not up to dancing yet, but everything around doesn’t seem as sad as it did half an hour ago, does it? It's time to accelerate the tempo and switch to a more rhythmic melody, and so on until the mood returns to normal.
Of course, no one can give an exact algorithm for the number and quality of melodies for such a method, because everything should be individual. We can only advise you to make a selection of different melodies in advance and try it yourself when a moment of sadness happens. Perhaps, in order to cheer you up, you will need not to listen to one melody at each stage, but two or more. So empirically, you can compose a personal algorithm for increasing mood with the help of music.