Previously, the question "why get married" did not even arise, because the girls did not have a choice, their opinion was little interested. Now women have ceased to depend on their husbands and can live independently. But few refuse to marry, mostly women strive to start a family, have a child and live like everyone else. Everyone has their own reasons, but in general, several points can be distinguished, why get married.

Step 1
The approval of others. Some women strive to get married not for their own sake, but for the sake of their parents, friends, work colleagues, who obsessively make it clear that it is impossible without a husband. It is difficult to close their ears to public opinion, so some ladies insist on formal marriage in order to get rid of gossip behind their backs and sympathetic views.
Step 2
The stamp in the passport gives a sense of security. Before marriage, women are constantly afraid that the man will leave, and nothing can be done, because you are just two people who live together. But in marriage, there are legal issues that prevent you from going out the door and disappearing from life. The couple becomes stronger and, even with strong quarrels, tries to resolve everything peacefully.
Step 3
In a strong family built on mutual respect and care, support is felt. In difficult moments of life, when problems are approaching from all sides, and it seems that all acquaintances have turned away, the husband will support him with a word and help to deal with troubles.
Step 4
For financial stability. It's easier for two to cope with a mortgage or rent, a double salary allows you to buy more things, and the standard of living rises. There are also mercantile women who try to marry wealthy men in order not to work. Such a spouse completely takes care of questions about earnings, and women enjoy life without worrying about money.
Step 5
Birth of a child. Often it is this factor that makes women get married, because it is much more difficult to raise a child alone. A man can help with the financial issue, while the mother is on maternity leave, in addition to this, help is required in raising the baby. In an incomplete family, a child may grow up with complexes or have problems with adaptation. When mom and dad are near, the child learns from their example to communicate and build relationships with the opposite sex.
Step 6
Some get married at a mature age so as not to be left alone. In old age, many begin to value peace and security, they want someone to be there and help in case of illness.