If you find yourself in an interesting position, and your lover is married, the situation only becomes more confusing. How to tell a married lover that he will soon be a dad? There are some tips that can help.

Have you entered into a love relationship with a married man? Then you are definitely in an unenviable position. Especially if you happen to be pregnant with this man. How to present this news to him? There are some tips to help both you and your lover deal with the situation.
Since the topic is serious, then you need to speak seriously. No feigned joy or sorrow. In an even and calm tone in a private setting. And, of course, only in person. No need to write messages on this topic. Remember that your man is not free, and someone from his family may accidentally discover the message. Tell your lover that you are in a quandary. You are like a couple, not you alone. After all, he also took part in the conception. Do not blame the man for anything, as well as yourself. Just state the fact, and then ask about the prospects for the future. Not only in terms of your relationship, but also in terms of the unborn child.
Set yourself up correctly
Practice your speech at home. And tune yourself into the fact that your news may not be so pleasant for your partner. You should be prepared for this, because, according to statistics, a very small percentage of married men go to their mistress because of the latter's pregnancy. Set yourself the task not to take the man out of the family, but to prepare him for fatherhood. Regardless of whether a man is with you or not, this does not relieve him of parental obligations. Report this in a dry, formal tone, without unnecessary emotions and hysteria.
Without emotionality
Try to keep your emotions in check. If you have the courage to start a relationship with a married man, you should have the courage to talk about pregnancy. It is desirable that the conversation takes place in a place where no one can overhear you. First, extra eyes and ears are not needed in such a conversation. Secondly, it is not in your best interest for someone to find out that you are dating a married man and expecting a child from him.
If a man has expressed a sharply negative opinion about his future fatherhood, do not put pressure on him. Leave him alone for a while so he can think things over. Do not impose yourself, do not get caught, if possible, by the eye. This will give him time to decide everything on his own. Too much too much delay with further plans is not worth it. After a week, try contacting your lover again. If his decision is constant, find the courage to solve your situation on your own.