At the end of summer, shop counters are filled with a variety of fruits and berries. But during lactation, mothers need to strictly observe dietary restrictions so that the child does not have an allergic reaction. About whether it is possible to eat watermelon while breastfeeding, doctors say with confidence that it is possible. But it is worth knowing about the benefits and dangers of this summer berry before introducing it into the diet. In addition, it is worth learning about how to choose a good watermelon so that the mother or child does not have poisoning.

Benefits of watermelon for breastfeeding
Although this juicy berry has a bright red color, it rarely causes an allergic reaction in children. Many mothers note that adding watermelon to the diet increases the amount of breast milk. A woman after eating a watermelon begins to feel hot flashes in her chest. It is important to know both for women suffering from a lack of milk and for women prone to lactostasis.
Also, there are a lot of minerals and vitamins in watermelon, which is undoubtedly important for a nursing mother. The most important vitamins include calcium and magnesium, which will help in recovery after childbirth. Ascorbic acid, found in the pulp of watermelon, helps to develop a stable immune system, and also removes dangerous nitrates from the body. Watermelon is loaded with iron, which is very beneficial for women after childbirth. After all, anemia is one of the most frequent diagnoses in the cards of young mothers. After giving birth, a woman's body suffers from low hemoglobin and the iron in watermelon can help get rid of anemia. Also, watermelon contains folic acid, the benefits of which almost every pregnant woman knows about. In addition to folic acid, watermelon also contains panthenolic acid, which will help ensure healthy and sound sleep for the baby and mother.
Harm of watermelon when breastfeeding

The fear of many young mothers about the introduction of watermelon into the diet is quite justified. After all, this fruit is the record holder for the number of nitrates that can accumulate in itself. In the ground, nitrates are not harmful, but their high amount in food can cause the following consequences:
- Increased gas formation;
- Vomit;
- Indigestion;
- Poisoning.
Undoubtedly, for the still not fully formed digestion process in an infant, these symptoms are quite severe. At the first signs of poisoning in a baby, you need to immediately call an ambulance.
There are also separate groups of children for whom the use of watermelon is completely contraindicated:
- If there are stones or sand in the kidneys;
- If you have any stomach upset;
- If any kidney disease has been diagnosed.
To minimize the possible consequences, watermelon can be introduced into the diet of a nursing mother no earlier than four months after the birth of the child.
It is best to start the introduction of this berry with an allergic reaction test. To do this, the mother needs to eat a small piece of watermelon and monitor the baby's condition for two days. If the baby does not have any rashes on the skin, his stool remains the same, and the stomach does not bother, then the mother can safely add watermelon to her diet.
The nuances of drinking watermelon while breastfeeding

If a woman decides to introduce a watermelon into her diet, then she should follow certain rules:
- You always need to carefully approach the choice of a watermelon (do not buy it near highways, do not cut a watermelon outside the house);
- This berry should be purchased only in season. Early fruits can be stuffed with pesticides and nitrates and can cause severe poisoning not only in the mother, but also in the child;
- Before using the watermelon, rinse thoroughly in running water, preferably using a sponge and detergent;
- A nursing mother should never eat watermelon first. It is better for someone from the family to try this berry first;
- Do not eat watermelon after a heavy meal. Otherwise, increased gas formation may occur in both the mother and the baby.