Many of the fair sex are sensitive and vulnerable natures. Some girls can be upset even by a trifle or a careless word spoken by a loved one. There are many tales and anecdotes about female offense, but puffy female cheeks and tear-stained eyes can bewilder men.

What was she offended at?
The most reasonable solution in a situation where a woman is offended is to come up and ask what the reason is. At the same time, do not pretend that you are asking only out of decency or indulge in unreasonable female whims. Be attentive and sympathetic. It is possible that you really made a mistake: you forgot about the next anniversary of your first date, the third day you cannot nail down the fallen shelf, although you promised, or ignored the call of your half, who wanted to complain that the boss unjustly scolded her. Find out what is the reason for the offense, and, if possible, immediately correct yourself - nail the unfortunate shelf, take the lady to the cafe to celebrate the anniversary, kiss her and tell her that she is a wonderful specialist.
It is much more difficult to understand how to behave when the girl does not say what the matter is and continues to sulk. Perhaps she does not want to retell the conflict that occurred at work, she had a fight over nonsense with a random companion on the subway, or she simply does not feel well, which makes her angry with the whole world. If it didn't immediately occur to you what you might be to blame, stop puzzling yourself and just hug your girlfriend and kiss her on the cheek. If you suspect that the reason is still in you, you can ask her for forgiveness just in case.
Leave alone
Sometimes it takes time for people to calm down, stop being offended, put their feelings in order and finally come to their senses. If talking and hugging doesn't work for the woman, give her time to be alone with herself. Say that you can talk whenever she wants to, close the door to the room and let her burst into tears or beat the pillow heartily alone. During this time, you can make tea and run to the store for something tasty that can please the young lady. But do not leave the woman for a long time, otherwise she may think that you have left her.
What not to do
Women can sometimes be offended by mere trifles. However, if your relationship with this fair sex is dear to you, do not make fun of her condition, do not convince that she is sulking because of nonsense, do not slam the door and do not offer to see you later when the girl is in a good mood. If you do this, there is a chance that the lady will no longer want to see you.