Even a sincerely loving, caring woman can, unwittingly, offend her beloved. Tired at work, feeling unwell, the mood is worse than ever. So the words come off her lips, which she later regrets. As a result, the man is offended, sometimes very much. How should a woman behave so that he stops being offended?

Step 1
The most natural option is to apologize to your loved one. Ask for forgiveness, reassure him: you did not want to offend at all, you just did not control yourself. Here you can cry on his shoulder, complaining and listing: at work they have been overloaded, the picky customer has exhausted his whole soul, the boss has unjustly found fault. In most cases, the man himself is in a hurry to console the offender, assuring that he has already forgotten everything and is not in a claim.
Step 2
If you don't want to ask for forgiveness, you can act more subtly, in a roundabout way, with truly feminine art and cunning (in a good sense of the word). Accept a guilty-ashamed look like "humility itself", let a well-dosed tear in your voice. A man without words will understand that you are sorry, regret what happened.
Step 3
Body and body language is as old as the world. Gently cling to the offended man, pat him on the head, rub your cheek on the cheek, hug, kiss, whispering tender words. Rarely a representative of the stronger sex can resist such an "apology".
Step 4
In some cases, some theatricality, foolishness will not hurt (of course, if the insult is not too strong). Prayerfully crooked hands, a deliberately frightened look, a question posed in a trembling voice: "Will you never make peace with me now?" - and now a man who has just sniffed with displeasure, frowning, is ready to laugh merrily.
Step 5
Perhaps the most serious mistake a woman can make in such a situation is to do nothing at all. Like, it's okay, he will tolerate, and in general, "they carry water to the offended." Yes, there are representatives of the fairer sex who for some reason are sincerely sure that only they have the right to be offended. And men, since they belong to the stronger sex, must endure their emotions and character changes with stoic patience.
Step 6
What can you say about this? This behavior does not honor a woman. And she should not be surprised or indignant if they stop loving her. She will be the only one to blame for this.