How To Teach A Child To Read On Their Own

How To Teach A Child To Read On Their Own
How To Teach A Child To Read On Their Own

Modern educational requirements impose more and more responsibilities on parents. It is desirable that the child already knows how to read before entering school. This is necessary, first of all, for the convenience of the child himself and his quick adaptation to school. In this regard, the question arises before the parents of preschoolers: how to teach a child to read?

You can teach your child to read on your own
You can teach your child to read on your own

Start with speech training

Before teaching your child to read, teach him to speak well. Books play an important role in preparing for speech development and subsequent reading. From early childhood, teach your baby to listen to the works that you read to him. Create a so-called "comfort zone" when meeting literary characters.

If you often and a lot read to the child, look at pictures, talk about their content, then the very appearance of the book will make the child want to take it and, in the future, read it. Reading books together also contributes to the development of imaginative thinking. In the future, it will not only help in teaching a child to read, but also come in handy for mastering the general school curriculum.

Reading together will keep the child interested in books
Reading together will keep the child interested in books

Move your finger over the letters as you read. Let the child not only hear, but also see where an interesting story comes from. Explain to him that all these stories can be read on their own, you just need to know the letters and be able to add syllables.

Techniques to help teach a child to read

Starting directly to the learning process, choose the methodology in which you will deal with your child. Please note that most of the methods and textbooks are designed for the age of five years. You can, of course, try to teach a three-year-old child to read, but if the kid resists, give up these attempts. And when teaching older children, try not to insist on completing assignments. Excessive persistence or your anger from failure can completely discourage the desire to study.

When choosing a book for learning, go to the store with your child, so he will be more interested in the process. The basic rule: among the abundance of benefits, choose those based on speech therapy techniques and consistency. For example, NS Zhukova's primer or N. Zaitsev's cubes.

Zhukova's primer
Zhukova's primer

Remember: with your child you need to learn not letters, but sounds. This contributes to the development of phonetic hearing. Then the child himself will associate the sound with the letter. Thus, the process of folding letters into syllables and further independent reading will take place.

To teach a child to read, start by learning vowel sounds, then introduce him to voiced solid consonants, then voiceless consonants and, finally, hissing ones. Important note: if your child has problems with sound pronunciation, it will be much more difficult for him to learn to read.

Repeat each learned sound several times. Together with the study of sounds, move on to mastering the simplest syllables (ma, mo). Pronounce syllables in a chant and do not rush to put them into words, this is the final stage of learning. When all the syllables are learned, teach your kid to read simple two-syllable words. So gradually the child himself will master a wonderful and very necessary skill - reading.
