How To Organize The First Feeding

How To Organize The First Feeding
How To Organize The First Feeding

Every mom is faced with the problem of the first feeding. The time comes when you need to introduce complementary foods in parallel with breastfeeding. For a child, this is a chance to learn something new, and for a mother - a new stage in the life of a baby. Porridge and mashed potatoes are the first step towards a common table.

How to organize the first feeding
How to organize the first feeding

Better to start with vegetable puree. You can make mashed potatoes yourself, or you can buy ready-made canned food in a specialized store. Vegetable puree contains vegetable fibers and vitamins. Of course, ready-made puree will save you time, but freshly made with your own hands will taste better.

For mashed potatoes, you should have special utensils and prepare food sterile. You need to start with one vegetable. You can consult your pediatrician. You don't need to make assorted items. This can cause an allergic reaction.

Start serving vegetables one at a time. You can try mixing later. Potatoes, cauliflower, zucchini, carrots, and broccoli are optimal vegetables for the initial feeding. Shop puree of a uniform consistency. But, armed with a blender, you can easily make such a puree yourself. This kind of puree will certainly not harm your baby. And you don't have to look at the expiration date. Every time you need to prepare fresh mashed potatoes. You can add a couple of drops of sunflower oil. Mashed potatoes are better absorbed with butter.

After two or three weeks, you can introduce the child to a variety of cereals. They are also represented by a wide assortment. Semolina was considered the queen of cereals. But later, as it turned out by scientists, it is not entirely useful for the first feeding. Rice, buckwheat porridge will be optimal. Fortunately, in the store you can buy porridge for every taste. Just always pay attention to the expiration date.

Porridge and vegetable puree are given to the child before breastfeeding. Later, you can skip one or two feedings, thereby replacing them with natural food.

Take your time, watch your baby's reaction. For the slightest discomfort, such as bloating or a rash, immediately stop feeding the food that caused the allergy. That is, the main rule is not to introduce two products at the same time. From about eight to nine months, introduce meat and fish purees. Mashed potatoes can be crushed with a crush, since the child's teeth are being cut, and just such food is needed to cut them correctly.

Adhering to simple rules, you can independently cope with the first complementary foods.
