The 21st week of pregnancy is one of the most favorable and calm periods of the entire pregnancy. The condition of the expectant mother at this time is pretty good. She is overwhelmed with positive emotions from pregnancy. The abdomen is not yet very large and does not cause severe discomfort.

What happens to the expectant mother at the 21st week of pregnancy?
According to the calendar of the menstrual cycle, about 17 weeks have passed since the day of the delay, and not only the woman herself and her loved ones know about pregnancy, but everyone around her. A woman can no longer hide her belly under loose clothing. In addition, a woman already at this time, even with the naked eye, can see the shocks with the arms and legs of the baby.
A woman's abdomen may feel slightly sore or taut because the muscles holding the uterus are taut. Also, a woman may feel discomfort from some of the baby's movements. The child does not understand that he can quite painfully hit his mother in the ribs or in the bladder. And every week the strength of the shocks will only increase. You can only get used to it.
The uterus is getting bigger every day. The height of its bottom is 21 centimeters above the pubis. Now she has already begun to prop up the lungs, stomach, kidneys and bladder with intestines. As a result, a woman may feel the following:
- Frequent desire to go to the toilet in a small way.
- Constipation.
- Rapid breathing.
- Shortness of breath.
- Heartburn.
- Swelling.
Psychologically, at the 21st week of pregnancy, a woman has a favorable period. Toxicosis should have gone away long ago. And birth is still very far away. Therefore, a woman simply feels the joy of pregnancy and its significance. After all, she grows a new life in herself and is able to be the first to feel her child under her heart. In addition, now close people and just strangers pay special attention to a woman: they take care of her peace of mind and general condition, give way to public transport and satisfy her needs.
At this time, and maybe even earlier, colostrum may be excreted from the breast. You should not be afraid of this. If the discharge is too heavy, you can buy special breast pads that are attached to the bra. It is important to change them in a timely manner in order to prevent infection from entering the milk ducts.
Normally, a woman's discharge should be transparent and practically odorless. It is acceptable if their number is slightly increased. A woman should monitor, and in case of abnormal discharge, immediately consult a doctor or call emergency help. Abnormal ones include:
- A discharge that is yellowish or greenish in color indicates the presence of an infection.
- Discharge with a pungent unpleasant odor. This also indicates the presence of an infection and the need to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist leading a pregnancy urgently.
- Brown discharge indicates possible pregnancy problems. When they appear, you must contact the hospital for observation.
- Bloody discharge signals that placental abruption occurs and a miscarriage begins. To save the child and the mother, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance for hospitalization.
What changes occur to a baby at 21 weeks of gestation?
21 obstetric week is 19 embryonic week. At this time, the baby forms the first fat layer. Its weight at this time is about 360 grams. And growth, starting from the twentieth week of pregnancy, is measured not to the tailbone, but to the heels. And it is equal to about 25 centimeters. A child can be compared, in size, to a blooming lotus flower.
The 21st week of pregnancy is significant in that the fetus is actively developing the digestive system. The baby's esophagus is getting ready for work. For this, amniotic fluid is actively swallowed. From it, the baby's body takes some nutrients for itself, in particular sugar and water. It is important for the expectant mother to understand that depending on what she eats, the liquid will have one or another taste. Therefore, you can not pamper yourself with spicy, sour and other food that has a specific taste.
It is important to note that nicotine and alcohol also impart a specific flavor to the amniotic fluid. Therefore, if a woman does not want to instill a detrimental addiction in the unborn child in the womb, then the use of any alcohol-containing products and smoking cigarettes is strictly prohibited.
In order for the baby to be able to digest the first foods on its own, the body secretes special enzymes and hydrochloric acid in small quantities.
The absorption of amniotic fluid by a child helps develop not only the digestive system, but also the respiratory system.
At the age of 21 obstetric week of pregnancy, the following external changes occur in the fetus:
- Hair grows actively on the head. They can be distinguished even with an ultrasound diagnostic apparatus. This is especially evident in babies with dark and coarse hair in genetics.
- Muscle tissue begins to grow actively. Due to the appearance of subcutaneous fat, the child acquires more and more folds every week.
- The child learns to move his arms and legs. The expectant mother already feels good training. In some cases, even the dad-to-be can already feel the baby's pushes by putting his hand to his stomach at the moments of the baby's activity.
- The fetal bone tissue is actively strengthened.
- At this time, the baby's spleen joins the active work of the endocrine system.
- In the process of hematopoiesis, significant changes occur: white blood cells begin to form.
Despite the fact that the baby began to actively increase his weight and height, he still feels free in the belly of the expectant mother and is able to perform all sorts of somersaults.
Ultrasound at 21 weeks of gestation
Ultrasound diagnostics at this time is carried out as part of the second prenatal screening of a pregnant woman. In the normal course of pregnancy, this ultrasound will only be the second during the entire pregnancy. But if more surveys were carried out, then you should not be intimidated. Modern equipment is of such high quality that in no way has a negative impact on the unborn child and on the pregnant woman herself.
The ultrasound diagnostics doctor will take a number of measurements of the baby. His height, approximate weight, length of arms and legs will become known. The specialist will see if the internal organs are formed correctly and if there are any deviations from the norm. In addition, the amniotic fluid and umbilical cord will be checked. If the doctor suddenly suspects any deviations from the norm, he will give the pregnant woman a referral to the nearest medical genetic center.
At this time, you can ask the specialist to say the gender of the baby, if he was not known. The main thing is that the child turns in the right way and shows himself.
Also during this period, you can make a video and photo of the baby in 3D and even 4D format. Parents can then spend long hours looking for their features in the first photographs of the baby.
Sex at 21 weeks pregnant
As a rule, if there are no contraindications, then sex is permissible at this time. Contraindications may be the threat of miscarriage and poor health. In principle, there are no other contraindications. It is important to understand that during this period hard and rough sex, deep and sharp penetration, as well as positions that cause discomfort in a pregnant woman are unacceptable. Endorphins released during sex in a woman's body also cause positive emotions in the baby.
What should a pregnant woman pay attention to at 21 weeks of gestation?
At this time, the woman's appetite begins to increase. You may want to eat strange foods that may have caused nausea and disgust in the past. You can't overeat now. It is important to monitor your weight and the dynamics of its growth. Harmful foods are prohibited at all stages of pregnancy. Better to cook healthy and homemade food.
If a woman used to wear heels, now is the time to take them off. Otherwise, the veins in the legs may come out and edema may appear. And the woman does not need additional fatigue now. In addition, the presence of edema is a possible sign of deteriorating kidney function.
If the abdomen is already very large and has begun to cause discomfort, then you should talk to your doctor about using a special bandage. It will help reduce the stress on the back and spine of the pregnant woman.