In the 11th week of pregnancy, her first trimester is nearing completion. According to the obstetric method of calculation, only 9 weeks have passed from conception, but the baby is already developing very actively, causing new and unusual sensations in the mother.

The state of the expectant mother and her feelings
By the 11th week of pregnancy, the uterus gradually enlarges and fills almost all the space between the pelvic bones. By the onset of childbirth, it will grow almost 10 times more. Thus, the belly is not yet rounded too much, but it is already slightly protruding. With the right choice of clothes, people around you may not even know about the presence of pregnancy.
During this period, toxicosis begins to gradually weaken. Morning sickness disappears, dislike for various foods disappears. The emotional state is stabilized, and mood swings occur less often. After about 2-3 weeks, the toxicosis should disappear completely.
From the sensations already known before this, one can observe:
- constipation, heartburn;
- increased breast tenderness;
- pigmentation;
- discharge of colostrum from the nipples;
- frequent headaches;
- inattention and distraction.
At the 11th week of pregnancy, small hormonal surges can occur, because of which the expectant mother experiences either fear of losing a child, then the happiness of awareness of motherhood and pride in it. It is worth getting used to such sensations and trying not to worry about trifles. Some women feel hot, as if the temperature rises. This is due to an increase in blood volume and an acceleration of its flow. Along with the fever, there is increased thirst and sweating, which is quite normal.
During this period, it is important to monitor the condition of nails, hair and teeth. If something is wrong with them, most likely, the body lacks vitamins, and this is not at all good for the unborn child. All alarms must be immediately reported to the attending physician, who will prescribe a course of special drugs.
Possible complications
In connection with an increase in the uterus and an increase in pressure on the organs of the genitourinary system during pregnancy, inflammation of the urinary tract often occurs - cystitis, in which pain is felt when urinating. Also, this period is characterized by prolonged bowel disorders. Seeing a doctor in such cases is mandatory, and you should not try to cope with ailments on your own.
If there is periodic discharge of uniform white or clear mucus from the vagina, this is normal. Discharge of the following nature becomes an alarming signal:
- curdled;
- brown;
- yellowish;
- with a pungent odor;
- mixed with blood.
These signs often indicate a possible threat of miscarriage, so you need to see a doctor immediately. A rare but rather serious complication is a frozen pregnancy, when the development of the fetus in the uterus stops. This may be indicated by the sudden disappearance of the main manifestations of pregnancy. If the diagnosis is confirmed, a medical operation is performed to remove the dead embryo.
Medical observations
The main type of diagnosis at the 11th week of pregnancy is still ultrasound. During the procedure, you can already clearly see the outline of the baby in the mother's abdomen. If the fetus is located in a successful manner, it becomes possible to determine its sex, although observations during this period often become erroneous.
According to a pre-compiled schedule, the expectant mother should undergo an antenatal consultation with a gynecologist. The doctor determines the basic data: the weight, height and size of the woman's pelvis, conducts surveys regarding the condition of the future woman in labor, the presence of certain diseases in the family. It is also necessary to pass various tests, including general urine and blood tests, and special tests to detect HIV, hepatitis, syphilis and genital infections.
Throughout the entire period of pregnancy, a woman is prescribed various auxiliary medications, including vitamin complexes and increased doses of folic acid and iron. In addition, it is advisable to visit the dentist every 2-3 months to prevent diseases of the teeth and gums.
Fetal development
The length of the baby's body at this stage of pregnancy usually does not exceed 60 mm, and the weight is only 7-8 g. Most of the organs and systems are already formed, although their size remains tiny. The baby's heart is active and working well, therefore, his heartbeat is noted on medical devices. The skeleton is still in active development: only cartilage has formed from bone tissue. The blood consists exclusively of red cells - erythrocytes, while white, leukocytes, will appear later.
At the 11th week, the following actively develop and grow:
- intestines;
- liver;
- irises of the eyes;
- neck and chest;
- lungs, trachea and bronchi;
- tendons;
- blood vessels.
In addition, the child's toes are rounded and lengthened, and individual fingerprints appear on the tips of the fingers. The unhurried formation of milk teeth is observed, and the grasping reflex is also developing: in the near future, the baby will begin to actively twitch his hands, grab the umbilical cord and suck his fingers. Already, his movements inside are becoming more noticeable and distinct.
Recommendations for the expectant mother
During the period of discomfort retreat, the time is right to take care of yourself and make plans for the future. It is necessary to carefully consider the diet and make it as balanced as possible. Eat more foods that contain calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. These include dairy and cereals, as well as fish, fresh fruits and vegetables. Another component necessary for a woman is vitamin D contained in the liver. Also, the body produces it naturally under the influence of sunlight, so outdoor walks should be daily.
The following remain under the ban:
- nicotine and alcohol;
- flour and sweet in large quantities;
- spicy, smoked and fried foods;
- carbonated drinks.
With proper nutrition, weight gain should be no more than half a kilogram per week. In addition, a well-formulated diet improves digestion and relieves many unpleasant symptoms. For this, it is also recommended to engage in moderate physical activity, such as swimming or yoga for pregnant women. Sex at the current time is allowed, but it should still be abandoned if any abnormalities in the development of the fetus are identified, there is a risk of miscarriage and premature birth.