A woman's pregnancy lasts 40 weeks. Week 10 suggests that very soon 1/4 of the part will be completed. But there are still many new sensations and changes ahead both in the external image of the expectant mother and inside her.

What does a fetus look like at 10 weeks of gestation?
If a woman kept a calendar of menstruation, then she can see that nine weeks have passed since the last menstruation and the tenth has come. The baby developing inside the abdomen is already 8 weeks old. And this period indicates that the embryonic period is over. With regard to the unborn baby, we can now say that it is a fetus. Very soon, pregnancy will cross its first milestone and the second trimester will come. In the meantime, the baby weighs about 5 grams. The length from the crown to the coccyx is no more than 42 mm by the end of the week. Visually, a baby can be compared to a large strawberry. Although the expectant mother does not yet feel this, the child is already stretching and pushing with might and main.
During this period, the baby undergoes the following changes:
- The nervous system is divided into peripheral and central.
- The abdominal cavity is separated from the pectoralis special muscle - the diaphragm.
- Already now you can see the rudiments of future hair on the entire body of the fetus.
- The tail disappears smoothly.
- The laying of milk teeth occurs.
- The auricles have almost completed their development.
In addition to all of the above, the baby's cartilage is becoming more and more dense. In the child's brain, there is a rapid development of neural connections. They will later be responsible for reflexes. The baby's heart beats in an enhanced mode in order to pump blood through the already formed vessels. The frequency averages 170 beats per minute. The baby's face is already fully formed, and at this stage, the muscles of the face begin to develop in the human fetus.
What does a woman feel at 10 weeks pregnant?
In the tenth week, a woman who had toxicosis still feels it. If this problem did not exist before, then you should not relax. Nausea can suddenly occur even at this time. If toxicosis began very early, then now it may decline. In addition, each woman's toxicosis may differ. Most often, one or more of the symptoms of this condition appear:
- Nausea.
- Vomit.
- Unusual taste preferences.
- Loss of appetite.
- Increased appetite.
- Unusual reaction to odors.
In addition, a woman's temperature may rise slightly. The norm is a condition in which the increase in the overall temperature does not go beyond 37.4 ° C. If the temperature has risen higher, then most likely it is a cold and the expectant mother needs to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment. It is important to understand that it is highly undesirable to get sick for such a period. And even if the woman could not protect herself, then the treatment should be gentle. Most drugs are prohibited during the first trimester of pregnancy.
Among other things, a woman may experience the following pregnancy symptoms:
- The woman's breasts and nipples are still swollen and very sensitive.
- Due to the still raging hormones, the psycho-emotional state of a woman is very unstable. Mood swings can occur very often. A pregnant woman can laugh, and after a minute cry excitedly. At the same time, it is rather difficult to understand why exactly the mood swings occurred.
- Insomnia occurs at night. And throughout the day, a woman feels general fatigue and weakness throughout her body.
- A specific reaction to odors may occur. From one smell a woman in the literal sense of the word can turn back, and to another pull with such force that the desire to smell can become obsessive.
How does the appearance of a pregnant woman change in the tenth week?
Most often, a woman in the tenth week of pregnancy is interested in whether the belly is already visible. It is not possible to immediately answer this question at such a time. It all depends on the woman herself. If the expectant mother herself is thin and had a flat stomach before pregnancy, now you can see a small tubercle below the level of the navel. A woman with more curvaceous forms most likely will not see any difference now.
But in addition to the abdomen, the following visual changes may appear in a woman at 10 weeks of gestation:
- The areola of the nipples may darken significantly. This pigment most often goes away after a woman gives birth and breastfeeds. In addition, the breast itself increases by about size and swells.
- From the beginning of the pubic hair to the navel, a dark abdominal line may form. This sign of pregnancy will also disappear shortly after giving birth.
- The skin on the face and body will be much better than before pregnancy.
- A completely normal weight gain for a pregnant woman at this time can be called from 150 to 300 grams per week. If a woman adds too much, then the obstetrician-gynecologist may prescribe fasting days or a special diet.
What do you need to look out for in a 10 week period?
In addition to toxicosis, which a doctor leading a pregnancy should know about, a woman should pay attention to any kind of discharge. If transparent leucorrhoea is present, then this is the norm. But if suddenly a woman discovers yellow, white cheesy and bad-smelling discharge, then it is necessary to go to the doctor's office as soon as possible to make a diagnosis. If the discharge suddenly turns brown or bright scarlet, then you need to call an ambulance.
Also, a woman should carefully listen to her feelings. Severity in the lower back and light pulling sensations in the lower abdomen are considered the norm. But if suddenly a woman feels pain in the abdomen, then it is necessary to immediately call a doctor. Any delay in this period may threaten the beginning of a miscarriage.
We must not forget about the possible appearance of hemorrhoids. In a pregnant woman, even at such a short time, as a result of changes in the work of intestinal motility and uterine pressure, this delicate problem can easily manifest itself. The main treatment consists of only two points:
- Proper nutrition.
- Rinse with cool water after each bowel movement.
What should not be done at 10 weeks of pregnancy?
As such, there are few contraindications and they are quite logical. A woman at this time, although she may feel quite normal, should not lift heavy objects. Sports also need to be kept within reasonable limits. Jumping, aerobic and strength exercises are best avoided. If a pregnant woman does not want to stop an active lifestyle, then it is better to limit herself to walking, swimming and training for pregnant women.
In some cases, women have a desire for such a period to change something in their apartment. But the repair should be passed on to the shoulders of a spouse or loved ones. As much as she would like to help, it is better for a pregnant woman to manage repairs from afar. Harmful chemicals that can be inhaled unintentionally can be very damaging to the fetus.
You should not smoke or drink alcohol throughout your pregnancy. Also, a woman should limit the consumption of trans fats and other unhealthy foods. Instead of soda, it is better to drink water or homemade compotes.
Do not be nervous and overworked. Do not provoke fear by watching horror movies. It is also worth limiting the viewing of TV programs that cause feelings of grief or horror.
A woman for a period of 10 weeks should not go to hot saunas or baths. It's also better to take a shower instead of a bath.
A pregnant woman needs to monitor her daily routine. Lack of sleep should not be allowed. You need to try to rest more often.
Besides, it's time to rethink your wardrobe. High heels and platform shoes are best kept away. Replacing it with comfortable shoes, you can feel what kind of lightness will appear in your feet. Clothes that are pressing at the waist should also be removed. Pregnant underwear should be comfortable. Preference should be given to products made from natural materials.