13 Weeks Of Pregnancy: Sensations, Fetal Development, Ultrasound

13 Weeks Of Pregnancy: Sensations, Fetal Development, Ultrasound
13 Weeks Of Pregnancy: Sensations, Fetal Development, Ultrasound

At the thirteenth week, the first trimester of pregnancy comes to an end. And this means that soon the most favorable period for a pregnant woman will begin.

13 weeks of pregnancy: sensations, fetal development, ultrasound
13 weeks of pregnancy: sensations, fetal development, ultrasound

How does a baby develop at 13 weeks of gestation?

The thirteenth obstetric week means that approximately 11 weeks have passed since ovulation and fertilization. The baby has already developed milk teeth. They will cut through the gums within a few months after birth. With an ultrasound examination, if you're lucky, you can see how the child sometimes sucks his thumb even now. Bone tissue begins its active development. The baby's weight is about 20 grams, and his height at that time can reach up to 8 cm.

The internal organs of the baby at 13 weeks are also actively developing:

  1. The bowel rises slightly and takes a comfortable position. In addition, the active development of microflora is already taking place.
  2. In the stomach, villi are formed, which will subsequently take an active part in the digestive process.
  3. The pancreas begins to secrete a hormone - insulin.
  4. A baby's heart is capable of pumping 23 liters of blood per day. The heart rate is on average around 150-170 beats per minute.
  5. Although the mother will be able to hear the first sounds from the baby only after birth, now the laying of the vocal apparatus is taking place.
  6. Now the child's gender can be determined. The genital tubercle begins to change its appearance and takes the form of either the clitoris or the penis. In addition, at this time, the prostate gland in boys and sex cells in both sexes begin to develop.

The baby's appearance is also undergoing changes. As a result of the fact that the body begins to accelerate in growth, and the head grows more slowly, the proportions of the child become more and more human-like.

Emotional development of a child at 13 weeks

Although the expectant mother does not yet feel this, the child is already beginning to move his arms and legs more and more orderly. The baby sleeps a little less than before. At this stage, he is already able to hear sounds and react to light, feel warmth or cold.

At the 13th week of pregnancy, the baby is already able to distinguish between tastes. And he can react positively or negatively to the food that comes to him from the mother's body.

The kid can already perform some actions:

  1. suck your thumb.
  2. Take sips.
  3. smile.
  4. Make grimaces and grimace.
  5. To yawn.

All this can be seen on an ultrasound examination, which the mother must undergo at this time.

Screening at 13 weeks

Pregnancy is not only a unique condition of a woman, accompanied by mood swings, toxicosis and a growing belly. Also, pregnancy is a responsibility not only for yourself, but also for a new organism growing inside the tummy. That is why it is so important to go through all the recommended examinations. Among the many analyzes, the first screening is of particular relevance. It includes a triple blood count and ultrasound.

The obstetrician-gynecologist must warn the patient in advance that for a period from 11 to 13 weeks it is necessary to donate blood and go for an ultrasound scan.

Typically, doctors draw blood to diagnose three genetic diseases:

  1. Down Syndrome.
  2. Edwards syndrome.
  3. Cornelia de Lange syndrome

All these genetic diseases are manifested with the help of a unique protein produced by the placenta - protein-A or PAPP-A. If its indicators are below normal, then this may indicate the presence of one of the genetic diseases of the fetus. An increase in the indicator has no clinical significance. After receiving the result, the doctor must calculate the IOM coefficient. It covers a range of indications ranging from protein levels to the woman's age, bad habits and a history of diseases. As a result, the resulting coefficient should not go beyond 0, 5-2, 5. If a woman has been diagnosed with multiple pregnancies, then this indicator can be increased to 3, 5. Do not be alarmed if the result turned out to be different. Perhaps the assessment took place on a different scale. A reliable conclusion will be given by a doctor based on the results of not only a blood test, but also an ultrasound scan.

It is believed that if the expectant mother did not experience any problems during pregnancy, then an ultrasound scan at a period of 11-13 weeks will be the first. The doctor who conducts the screening must have permission and a special certificate for this. In most cases, parents-to-be are encouraged to enter the office together. The doctor takes the following measurements:

  1. The thickness and transparency of the collar zone.
  2. The presence and size of the nasal bone.
  3. No physical defects.

In addition, you can already see the sex of the unborn child on ultrasound. The doctor will let the future parents listen to how the baby's heart beats and make an ultrasound printout. Most likely these will be the first photos of the baby that parents will keep as a keepsake for many years.

If suddenly the doctor has an assumption that the child may have genetic diseases, then additional examinations may be prescribed to confirm or refute the disease.

What does a woman feel at 13 weeks pregnant?

The thirteenth week is the time when the hormonal background subsides somewhat. In most women, toxicosis can stop at this stage or decrease significantly. But there are other problems as well. The uterus is already enlarged so that the pelvic region is completely filled and the abdominal cavity begins to engage, gradually displacing the internal organs. As a result, a woman may feel a frequent urge to go to the toilet in a small way. In addition, a woman may experience heartburn and notice the appearance of shortness of breath.

In addition, this week the obstetrician-gynecologist will begin to probe the uterus and determine the height of its bottom. Each week, the uterus will grow so that its height is equal to the number of weeks. Now it is 13 cm.

There are also changes in the woman's appearance. The waist slowly spreads. In some cases, you can see a tubercle where a pregnant tummy will soon appear. The breasts remain tender and enlarged. You need to choose the right bras. They should be of a suitable size and have wide straps to support the chest.

Recommendations of doctors at 13 weeks of gestation

Although this week is considered the beginning of the easiest period in the entire pregnancy. But you shouldn't relax. Already now is the time to engage in the prevention of stretch marks and edema.

It is important to try to moisturize your skin daily with creams and oils approved for use during pregnancy. It is worth carefully studying the composition of the funds used. After all, the skin can also absorb chemical compounds harmful to the body. It is best to give preference to products with natural formulations or regular natural oils.

In order to subsequently reduce the risk of edema as much as possible, it is now necessary to remove the heels and replace them with comfortable shoes. In addition, you should rest with your legs raised whenever possible. You can ask your spouse to massage your feet in the evening, thereby dispelling stagnation. If the edema appeared already at this time, then this is a sign of malfunctioning of the kidneys. You must immediately tell the doctor who is pregnant about this.

The same can be said about the discharge, if it is abnormal, then it is necessary to quickly tell the doctor about it. In some cases, a specialist will take a smear and prescribe treatment, but if the discharge is bloody, then most likely a referral for hospitalization will be given.

For a woman at the 13th week of pregnancy, a condition is characteristic when there is a pulling sensation in the abdomen. Do not be afraid of them. Most often, the pull can be due to the fact that the ligaments, muscles and uterus are stretched. But if the pain has become stronger or the woman feels sharp spasms, then it is better to consult a specialist as soon as possible.
