19 Weeks Of Pregnancy: Sensations, Fetal Development

19 Weeks Of Pregnancy: Sensations, Fetal Development
19 Weeks Of Pregnancy: Sensations, Fetal Development

The nineteenth week is one of the quietest periods of pregnancy. By this time, hormonal "storms" have already stopped, and the size of the abdomen is still small. At the same time, there are many pleasant sensations that give pleasure to the expectant mother.

At the 19th week of pregnancy, the belly is already clearly visible
At the 19th week of pregnancy, the belly is already clearly visible

Changes in a woman's body

By the onset of the 19th week, a rounded, albeit small, belly is already noticeable. Also, the breasts are gradually enlarged. Hair color improves, they become thicker. Skin sensitivity is slightly increased. In this regard, it is not recommended to spend a lot of time in the sun, as well as often use cosmetics. Failure to comply with these measures can lead to the appearance of age spots or allergies on the skin.

There is also a noticeable weight gain, which slightly complicates the woman's gait. It is worth getting used to this, as well as sleeping on your side: lying on your stomach is no longer possible, and this poses a danger to the fetus, since the mother may experience impaired blood circulation in the abdominal cavity. In general, an increase of up to 5 kg of weight is considered the norm, and the height of the fundus of the uterus by this time is about 20 centimeters.

In addition, in the body of the mother and baby, the hormone somatotropin is actively produced, which is responsible for the synthesis of RNA and DNA in the cells of various organs. Under the influence of it, a woman may slightly enlarge her nose, ears, fingers, but one should not worry, since after childbirth everything should return to normal.

Among the possible unpleasant sensations, one can single out mild problems with digestion and with stools, since the increasing size of the uterus gradually squeezes the nearby organs. In addition, there may be observed:

  • bleeding gums and rare nosebleeds;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • swelling and cramps of the limbs;
  • varicose veins on the legs;
  • back pain.

These are completely normal phenomena to which a woman gradually gets used to during the entire previous period of pregnancy. Nervousness and toxicosis characteristic of the early stages are practically not observed. It is worth noting that during this period, the unborn child is actively developing bone tissue, so he needs more calcium. Dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits, buckwheat and low-fat meat products should be included in the diet. It is necessary to exclude spices, smoked meats and fried foods that impair digestion and often cause allergies.

Placental development in the 19th week of pregnancy

The most important moment observed in this period of pregnancy is the completion of the formation of the placenta. The placental barrier is formed and begins to actively function, ensuring the readiness of the woman's body for future childbirth. In some cases, this process may be completed by the end of the 20th week.

The placenta performs the most important functions, including:

  • respiratory - supplying the fetus with oxygen;
  • trophic - providing the child with the necessary nutrients;
  • excretory - the withdrawal of waste products of the fetus;
  • hormonal - the production of hormones responsible for the growth and maturation of the fetus.

protective - cleaning the mother's blood from harmful substances due to the work of the hematoplacental barrier, which consists of a placental filter and the walls of the mother's blood vessels;

The completion of the formation of the placental barrier can be judged by the passage of ultrasound. By this time, the restriction on the use of certain medicines is removed, which must be reported by the attending physician.

Analyzes and examinations

By the onset of the 19th week of pregnancy, it is recommended to take a blood test for hemoglobin in order to prevent the possible development of anemia. You should also check your sugar levels. Once every two weeks, the expectant mother should take a general urine test to make sure that there is no protein in it. The next thing to do is to undergo genetic screening, which must be carried out in the second trimester, remaining informative until the 20th week of pregnancy.

In addition, expectant mothers are assigned a so-called triple test, which includes a biochemical blood test for AFP, hCG and free estriol. These indicators, together with information such as a woman's age, her weight, number of children, etc., help to determine the risk of developing possible chromosomal abnormalities in an unborn child.

At the direction of the doctor, another ultrasound can be performed at the 19th week of pregnancy. This examination is aimed at studying the internal organs of a woman, and also demonstrates the development of the baby. This takes into account the following factors:

  • the condition of the collar zone and nasal bone of the fetus to determine the presence or absence of chromosomal abnormalities;
  • baby's heartbeat;
  • motor activity of the baby (by this time he is already quite mobile);
  • the presence of any pathologies;
  • the state of the amniotic fluid.
  • if the child is in the correct position, it is already possible to determine its gender.

Development of the child's systems and organs

By the 19th week of pregnancy, the future baby still has red and wrinkled skin, although it gradually thickens and acquires persistent protective properties. There is a deposition of subcutaneous fatty tissue in the area of the chest and kidneys, as well as the face, which allows the child to accumulate the necessary energy.

The central nervous system develops, the connection between nerve cells increases, the cerebral cortex grows. The child's reflex activity becomes more complicated, he begins to move his arms and legs more actively, the first emotions appear on his face, and he can periodically put his fingers in his mouth. The child's hearing is also developing: he can already react to loud sounds and be afraid of some of them.

The digestive system of the fetus is also improving. The intestine begins to accumulate meconium, the primordial feces, which includes dead bile cells and exfoliated epithelium that enters the intestine when the amniotic fluid is swallowed. The feces are not yet excreted and processed by absorption into the blood. The already formed liver of the child neutralizes it and removes it outside through the kidneys. The excreted urine enters the amniotic fluid and is freely excreted from there through the woman's urinary system. The lungs are almost fully formed and provide even breathing.

So, at the 19th week, most of the baby's systems and organs are already actively working, but he still remains quite weak and sensitive. Premature birth during this period reduces the survival rate to almost nothing, so the expectant mother must carefully follow all the doctor's recommendations and lead the right lifestyle.
