27 Weeks Of Pregnancy: Sensations, Fetal Development

27 Weeks Of Pregnancy: Sensations, Fetal Development
27 Weeks Of Pregnancy: Sensations, Fetal Development

By the onset of the 27th week of pregnancy, the coccyx-parietal size of the fetus is approximately 23 cm, and its weight reaches 1 kg. During this period, it becomes increasingly difficult for a woman to endure pregnancy, so it is extremely important to monitor the sensations in the body and follow the doctor's instructions.

27 weeks of pregnancy: sensations, fetal development
27 weeks of pregnancy: sensations, fetal development

Feelings of a woman

Many women by the onset of the 27th week of pregnancy report frequent mood swings due to the rapid growth of the abdomen, behind which it is no longer possible to see their legs. It becomes more and more difficult to move, frequent shortness of breath may occur, the expectation of childbirth increases. Experts advise to take your condition for granted and try to be happy that your pregnancy is going well.

For such a late period of pregnancy, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • cravings for sweet, sour, or spicy foods;
  • periodic heartburn after eating;
  • frequent urination;
  • rapid weight gain;
  • swelling of the limbs and varicose veins.

Discomfort and complications

Sometimes discomfort and complications can occur that must always be controlled. One of these factors is the cramps of the calf muscles. During them, the muscles contract so strongly that they literally freeze, and this often causes severe pain. If cramps occur every few days, you should not worry, but be sure to inform your doctor about frequent and prolonged discomfort.

Dangerous symptoms are:

  • a feeling of tightness in the abdomen;
  • pulling back pain;
  • discomfort similar to the onset of menstruation.

Even one of these signs may indicate the possibility of premature birth and miscarriage, so you must definitely call an ambulance without making sudden movements and not trying to cope with problems on your own.

During pregnancy, vaginal discharge is often observed, but it should not be too abundant and not contain blood impurities. The occurrence of frequent headaches, increased pressure, the appearance of nausea and vomiting may indicate late toxicosis, which is very dangerous for the fetus and requires immediate medical attention. You also need to monitor the condition of the skin: any allergy should cause concern.

By the onset of the 27th week of pregnancy, the child should already actively manifest itself, from time to time moving in the mother's belly. If the movements suddenly stop, the first thing to do is to undergo the CTG procedure in the hospital and make sure that everything is in order with the fetal heartbeat. In addition, one should not hide from the doctor the intensification of any symptoms characteristic of late pregnancy, such as fever, pain during urination, prolonged absence of stool or its weakening.

How the fetus develops

Considering that the future baby will very soon grow up to half a meter and gain significant weight, it becomes more and more cramped in the uterine cavity. He actively twitches the grown limbs, pushes and grabs the umbilical cord. At the same time, he gradually assumes the optimal prenatal position, pulling the crossed arms and legs to the chest and abdomen. It is in this position that the child will be able to normally pass through the birth canal during future childbirth.

If the fetus has not yet taken the correct position (which is always clearly visible during an ultrasound scan), you should not worry. At the 27th week, it is considered normal for the child to be found across the uterus or diagonally. Sometimes, his head can be located directly under the ribs of the mother. There are still a few weeks left in stock, during which the baby will definitely take the right position.

As for fetal movements, they cause slightly different sensations than in the early stages of pregnancy. Instead of rare and single tingling sensations, there is a sensation as if the stomach is shaking from the inside. This is due to the appearance of hiccups in the child due to frequent swallowing of amniotic fluid and sucking fingers.

The brain and nervous system of the fetus are actively developing, forming new and rather complex neural connections. The infant's waking and sleeping periods become more regular. Also, his breathing movements, wiggling fingers and limbs acquire smoothness. The active growth of adipose tissue gives the child strength and energy. Around the beginning of the 27th week of pregnancy, the lacrimal glands and ducts form in the fetus.

Recommendations for the expectant mother

At this time, it is recommended to pay close attention to some individual factors, including:

  1. It is necessary to strictly observe the correct diet, no longer allowing any deviations. The diet can be adjusted as directed by your doctor.
  2. You need to sleep as comfortably as possible, so it is recommended that you put extra pillows under your stomach, legs and back.
  3. When walking, it is better to lean your back back in order to evenly distribute the load on it. You should not try to straighten up or slouch - hardly anyone will make you feel complex by pointing a finger at the bulging belly of a pregnant woman.
  4. The weight gain should be uniform, without serious deviations in one direction or another.
  5. In the later stages, urinary incontinence sometimes occurs, and a few drops of it may end up on your underwear. In this regard, it is worth starting to use panty liners.
  6. Occasional training contractions are considered the norm. However, it is worth writing down when they occur in order to recognize possible violations in time.

To keep herself busy, the expectant mother can already start choosing a name for a boy or girl, as well as enroll in courses on preparing for childbirth and caring for an infant. It is worth starting to talk to the child and even reading fairy tales aloud to him so that he gets used to the voices of his parents.

If there are no contraindications, you can still enjoy a moderately active sex life with your husband. Contraindications include the threat of miscarriage and multiple pregnancies. At the same time, it's time to start solving important work issues, discussing future maternity leave with the management and transferring your responsibilities to a deputy.

Relatives should surround the expectant mother with care and can take an active part in the ultrasound procedures: observing the development of the child delivers incredible sensations. But it is worth forgetting about air travel for now, since at this time they pose a danger to mother and child. Changes in height and pressure often lead to premature birth. If you need an urgent flight, you will need to first obtain a recommendation certificate from a doctor and provide it to an aviation or travel agency.
